Augusta Ebere Onuodafin (techie-ag)


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Company:University of Essex

Location:Colchester, United Kingdom

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Augusta Ebere Onuodafin's repositories


Using sql, data cleaning was carried out on the Nashville dataset. The dataset is a housing dataset containing various informations like the land use type, the property addresses, sales dates and prices, as well as other useful informations.



Using Machine Learning to predict the likelihood of a loan default using a loan data set obtainable from Kaggle. I employed Classification for the building the machine learning models as the target variables were binary, 0 and 1 representing no default and defaulted.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:0Issues:0


Using the microsoft server workspace, I explored the covid'19 dataset to find different patterns and answer different self asked questions, at the end views were created to store the work done.



This contains some sql script from my last revision, took it back to learning from the basics. A read through at the comments will give you as insight of my queries.



A sentimental analysis, also known as text analysis was carried out on two different Tedx talk topic, presented by two speakers. The aim is to analyse and categoize words as positive and negative, this is to help to determine the emotions of the speakers, even as they present their speeches.



Using K-means and Agglomerative clustering, the used vehicle data is segmented based on certain factors. Both quadratic and linear discrinant analysis as well as logistic regression is also carried out on the data.

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:2Issues:0