techcentaur / Map-Reduce

How to implement map-reduce when you have deadline in two hours but you didn't work because you spent last 5 hours talking to a girl on Insta that you met to Tinder—she was so cute, it's totally worth it.

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So this repository will contain:

  • How to run a program for map-reduce on hadoop
  • I will also shut down 2 datanodes will running, and see the result of it in map-reduce process

I may miss something, drop an issue if you don't understand something. Or if there is some mistake, or you point out a grammatical mistake, feel free to point it out or drop a pull request.


Let's stop all processes and format the namenode, if there are any still going on from my previous assignments

  • ./
  • ./hadoop namenode -format

If secondarynamenode is not getting started, listen on the netstat and see if there is an address already in binding.

  • netstat --listen

Start the namenode and datanodes of hadoop / running JPS will show that a data or namenode is running on that machine

  • ./
  • jps

Now, we run hadoop binary with a jar + from a filepath + with Class name + with location of input data as a filepath of hadoop file-system + path of the output as a filepath of hadoop file-system (+ breaks the arugments)

  • ./hadoop jar ~/Word_classes/wordcount.jar WordCount /user/baadalvm/A4/input_words /user/baadalvm/A4/output_word11 Make a directory in Hadoop FS (I'm gonna say it HFS from now)
  • ./hadoop fs -mkdir A4/input_word2 List the contents for confirmation that it worked
  • ./hadoop fs -ls A4/
drwxr-xr-x   - baadalvm supergroup          0 2019-11-14 02:24 /A4/input_word2

Put the data in the HFS to use

  • ./hadoop fs -put ~/input_data/bulk_names.txt A4/input_words2 List the content of A4 folder in HFS
  • ./hadoop fs -ls A4/

baadalvm@master:~/hadoop/hadoop-1.2.1/bin$ ./hadoop fs -put ~/Grades/student_records.csv A4/grades_folder_1 Warning: $HADOOP_HOME is deprecated.

WARNING: An illegal reflective access operation has occurred WARNING: Illegal reflective access by (file:/home/baadalvm/hadoop/hadoop-1.2.1/hadoop-core-1.2.1.jar) to method WARNING: Please consider reporting this to the maintainers of WARNING: Use --illegal-access=warn to enable warnings of further illegal reflective access operations WARNING: All illegal access operations will be denied in a future release baadalvm@master:~/hadoop/hadoop-1.2.1/bin$ ./hadoop jar ~/Grades/grades.jar AverageGrade /user/baadalvm/A4/grades_folder_1 /user/baadalvm/A4/grades_folder_out_1


How to implement map-reduce when you have deadline in two hours but you didn't work because you spent last 5 hours talking to a girl on Insta that you met to Tinder—she was so cute, it's totally worth it.