techbhaskar / JavaIntern_Batch1

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  1. How to install Java
  2. How to make Eclipse ready for Java
  3. Java Syntax and variables
  4. Keywords, Operators and Conditional statements
  5. Strings and Arrays
  6. Loops and Methods
  7. What is Object
  8. How to construct a class for a given Object
  9. What is Inheritance
  10. How to implement Encapsulation
  11. Polymorphism means?
  12. What is Abstraction
  13. Create a git account and import from git
  14. Exceptions
  15. File Handling and Date Api
  16. Generics, Annotations, Threads
  17. Collections


  1. XML
  2. JDBC
  3. Servlets
  4. Jsps


  1. HTML - Intro., Structure, Section, Header, Footer
  2. HTML - Image, Anchor, Table, Block and Inline Elements
  3. HTML - Forms
  4. CSS - Basics
  5. JavaScript - Intro., Functions, DOM
  6. JavaScript - Variables, Operators, Forms
  7. Bootstrap - Intro, Grid System, Nav Bar
  8. Bootstrap - Nav Items, Chrome Dev Tools, Badge, List
  9. Bootstrap - Cards
  10. Bootstrap - Date Picker, Form Elements, Style Customization

Spring Boot (REST)

  1. Maven - Build, Deploy, Life Cycle and POM
  2. Spring Core - Intro, Spring Boot, XML Config, Logging
  3. Spring Core - Dependency Injection
  4. Spring REST - HTTP Intro, GET, Service Layer
  5. Spring REST - Front end integration
  6. Spring REST - POST, PUT, DELETE
  7. Spring REST - Front end integration of POST and PUT
  8. Spring REST - Spring Security and JWT


  1. Introduction, CREATE, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE Statements
  2. ALTER, DROP, SELECT Statements
  3. Arithmetic, Logical Operators and Functions
  4. JOINS
