techapj / flat-ui-sass

Designmodo's Flat-UI ported to SASS with support for Flat-UI Pro

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Flat UI for Sass

flat-ui-sass is a SASS port of Designmodo's Flat-UI Free. flat-ui-sass also provides a rake task to convert and locally vendor Flat-UI Pro for use with Rails, Compass, and vanilla SASS.

This gem is currently under development! Things may be broken!


flat-ui-sass requires bootstrap-sass as well as sass >= 3.3.0.rc.2.

flat-ui-sass depends on term-ansicolor right now for the logging functionality of the converter. This is on the roadmap for removal.

Flat-UI uses the Lato font as its base font. This gem does not vendor Lato. It is up to you to make sure Lato is available on your page.



Add the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'flat-ui-sass', github: 'wingrunr21/flat-ui-sass'

Compass (no Rails, Flat-UI free only right now)

Install the gem:

gem install flat-ui-sass

or add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'flat-ui-sass', github: 'wingrunr21/flat-ui-sass'

For existing projects:

# config.rb:
require 'flat-ui-sass'

bundle exec compass install flat-ui

For new projects:

bundle exec compass create new_project -r flat-ui-sass --using flat-ui

The resulting Compass project will have all Flat-UI JS/fonts/images as well as the bootstrap JS/fonts.

The following SCSS files will also be created:

  • _variables.scss - all of the Flat UI variables (override them here).
  • styles.scss - primary SCSS file, import variables, flat-ui/variables, bootstrap, and flat-ui.

vanilla SASS (no Compass or Rails)

Install the gem:

gem install flat-ui-sass

or add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'flat-ui-sass', github: 'wingrunr21/flat-ui-sass'

Follow the JS and Fonts setup instructions for bootstrap-sass

In addition, you will need to copy font, image, and javascript assets out of flat-ui-sass if you are using Flat-UI Free:

mkdir public/images
cp -r $(bundle show flat-ui-sass)/vendor/assets/images/ public/images
cp -r $(bundle show flat-ui-sass)/vendor/assets/fonts/ public/fonts/
cp -r $(bundle show flat-ui-sass)/vendor/assets/javascripts/ public/javascripts/

If you are using Flat-UI Pro, you can copy or symlink the various assets out of the local vendor/assets directory in the root of your project.

Similarly to bootstrap-sass, we provide Ruby method to report the appropriate paths:



Converting Flat-UI Pro

You can use the fui_convert command packaged along with flat-ui-sass to automatically convert and vendor Flat-UI Pro to your local application:

  1. Place the Flat-UI Pro directory (e.g. the one with the less, js, font, image, etc files in it) in a directory at the root of your app titled flat-ui-pro
  2. Run bundle exec fui_convert. You should see a lot of output regarding the conversion process. When it is finished, Flat-UI Pro should be converted and available in the vendor/assets/ directory.

See fui_convert --help for more advanced usage


Import the Flat-UI variables, bootstrap, and then Flat-UI:

@import 'flat-ui/variables';
@import 'bootstrap';
@import 'flat-ui';

For Flat-UI Pro, simply import flat-ui-pro instead:

@import 'flat-ui-pro/variables';
@import 'bootstrap';
@import 'flat-ui-pro';

You must import the Flat-UI variables before bootstrap, otherwise bootstrap's variables will take priority!


Flat-UI has a lot of javascript dependencies. It is up to you to make sure the appropriate javascript files are available in your application. For a reference, check out the bottom of the index.html example page for your version of Flat-UI or the list below.

If you are using Rails or Sprockets, you may require the manifest for all javascript assets:


//= require flat-ui


//= require flat-ui-pro

Alternatively, you may require individual modules as well


//= require flat-ui/flatui-checkbox
//= require flat-ui/flatui-radio


//= require flat-ui-pro/flatui-checkbox
//= require flat-ui-pro/flatui-radio
//= require flat-ui-pro/flatui-fileinput

Here's a list of javascript dependencies in Flat-UI Free:

  • jquery
  • jquery.ui.core
  • jquery.ui.widget
  • jquery.ui.mouse
  • jquery.ui.position
  • jquery.ui.slider
  • jquery.ui.tooltip
  • jquery.ui.effect
  • jquery.ui.touch-punch.min
  • bootstrap
  • bootstrap-select
  • bootstrap-switch
  • jquery.tagsinput
  • jquery.placeholder
  • jquery.stacktable
  • video.js

In addition, Flat-UI Pro also requires:

  • jquery.ui.button
  • jquery.ui.datepicker
  • jquery.ui.spinner
  • typeahead.js
  • holder.js


  1. Add Flat-UI modules that are missing in Flat-UI Pro to the Pro manifest
  2. Remove term-ansicolor dependency in converter
  3. More user-friendly logging (less verbose)

Development and Contributing

This gem uses a modified version of the converter utilized in bootstrap-sass. The converter runs over the checked-out Flat-UI git submodule and vendors the resulting files in vendor/assets. The converter does the following:

  • Converts the LESS to SASS, fixing @import orders to load correct under SASS.
  • Generates a flat-ui.scss or flat-ui-pro.scss manifest
  • Copies Flat-UI javascript files and generates a flat-ui.js or flat-ui-pro.js manifest
  • Copies the Flat-UI Icons font
  • Copies supporting Flat-UI images

The converter is located in lib/tasks/

Version numbers for the current versions of Flat-UI and Flat-UI Pro that the converter works against are in version.rb


  1. Clone this repository to a working directory
  2. Initialize the Flat-UI submodule (git submodule update --init)
  3. Create a new topic branch for your changes (git checkout -b my_new_feature)
  4. Make some changes
  5. Run rake flat_ui:convert to convert Flat-UI and vendor it
  6. Possible bower support
  7. Rails ActionView helpers for fui icons similar to how font-awesome-rails does it


The conversion scripts and general gem structure rely upon and are heavily influenced by the work done on bootstrap-sass. This gem would not be possible without all of the hard work put into that project.

Thanks also go to Designmodo for creating and publishing Flat-UI.

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Designmodo's Flat-UI ported to SASS with support for Flat-UI Pro

License:MIT License