discodoc - create hard copy-like documents from Discourse content easily.
It aims to make documentation generation effortless.
There might still be dragons.
# Generate PDF document from all posts of given topic. discodoc https://community.hiveeyes.org/t/anleitung-aufbau-und-installation-des-sensor-kits-grune-platine/2443 --format=pdf
For more information and further examples, please invoke discodoc --help
All output formats are provided by pandoc fame. These have been tested: pdf, docx, odt, pptx, epub2, epub3, fb2, latex, texinfo, txt, text, html, html5, json, plain, rtf, revealjs, s5.
# Debian apt install texlive-latex-base pandoc # macOS / Homebrew brew install pandoc python3-requests brew cask install basictex
brew cask install wkhtmltopdf
For HTML slideshow rendering:
yarn install wget https://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/s5/v/1.1/s5-11.zip cp -r ~/Downloads/s5-11/ui node_modules/s5
pip install discodoc
If you are hitting one of the global rate limits and throttling in Discourse indicated like:
{"errors":["You’ve performed this action too many times, please try again later."]}
You might want to authenticate using an appropriate API key like:
export DISCOURSE_API_KEY=5c58bf5e4027622543f5179938182099c8b97188d00a9dc9f184cd3ca66db5ea
- Donald Knuth and the LaTeX Team for conceiving and maintaining TeX and LaTeX.
- John MacFarlane and all contributors for creating and curating pandoc.
- The amazing Discourse Team and all contributors for creating Discourse and its spirit.
You know how you are. Thanks!