teaxyz / cli

tea: run anything

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tea/cli 0.39.6

tea is npx for everything.

$ node
command not found: node

$ brew install teaxyz/pkgs/tea-cli

$ tea node --version

$ tea node@16 --version

$ node
command not found: node
# ^^ tea is not a package manager; if you need installs, keep using brew


tea is nvm for everything:

$ cd my-project

$ cat .node-version

$ tea --env node --version

$ source <(tea --env)
# temporarily adds `my-project`’s deps to your current shell
# install our “shell magic” to do this automatically (read on for docs)

$ node --version

$ which node
# ^^ everything goes in ~/.tea

# use any version of anything
$ tea node@19 --version

# we package as far back as we can
$ tea python@2.7.18 --version
Python 2.7.18

This works for everything. eg. pyproject.toml, .ruby-version, etc.

PSA: Stop using Docker

Look, don’t stop using Docker—that’s not what we mean. Docker is great for deployment, but… let’s face it: it sucks for dev.

Docker stifles builders. It constricts you; you’re immalleable; tech marches onwards but your docker container remains immobile. Nobody knows how to use docker. Once that Dockerfile is set up, nobody dares touch it.

And let’s face it, getting your personal dev and debug tools working inside that image is incredibly frustrating. Why limit your potential?

Keep deploying with Docker, but use tea to develop.

Then when you do deploy you may as well install those deps with tea.

Frankly, tea is properly versioned (unlike system packagers) so with tea your deployments actually remain more stable.


tea knows how to interpret anything:

$ tea ./script.py
tea: installing ~/.tea/python.org/v3.11.1
# ^^ local scripts: nps

$ tea https://examples.deno.land/color-logging.ts
tea: installing ~/.tea/deno.land/v1.31.2
# ^^ remote scripts: also fine

Go further; tap the entire open source ecosystem via YAML front matter:

$ cat ./favicon-generator
# ^^ tea reads the shebang and automatically installs ruby
# dependencies:
#   imagemagick.org: 4
#   optipng.sourceforge.net: 1

$ tea ./favicon-generator input.png
tea: installing image-magick, optipng, guetzli and 3 other packages…

$ file *.png
favicon-128.png: PNG image data, 128 x 128
favicon-32.png: …

Setting the shebang to eg. #!/usr/bin/env -S tea node is another option.


Try out anything open source offers in an encapsulated sandbox:

$ tea +rust-lang.org sh
tea: this is a temporary shell containing rust-lang.org and 3 other pkgs
tea: type `exit` when done

tea $ rustc --version
rustc 1.65.0

tea $ exit

$ rustc
command not found: rustc

tea’s +pkg syntax adds packages to an environment and then executes commands within it. This can make trying out seemingly complex projects trivial, eg. setting up your environment for the stable-diffusion-webui project can be quite tricky, but not so with tea:

$ git clone https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
$ tea \
  --cd stable-diffusion-webui \
  +python.org~3.10 +pip.pypa.io +gnu.org/wget +protobuf.dev +rust-lang.org \


Shell Magic

Every README for every project has 10 pages of “how to install x” commands. With tea’s magic you can just copy and paste the usage instructions and skip the install instructions.

$ which node
command not found: node

$ source <(tea --magic)

$ node --version
tea: installing nodejs.org…

$ node@16 --version

$ node --version
v19   # the most recent is default

Our magic also loads project deps into the environment when you step inside:

$ cd my-project

my-project $ cat .node-version

my-project $ node --version
tea: installing nodejs.org@14…

my-project $ cd ..

$ node --version

$ source <(tea --magic=unload)

$ node
command not found: node

Installing Shell Magic

If you want shell magic when your terminal loads, install it:

$ tea --magic=install
# installs a one-liner to your ~/.shellrc

$ tea --magic=uninstall
# nps if you change your mind


Getting Started

brew install teaxyz/pkgs/tea-cli

If you prefer, tea is a standalone, cross-platform binary that you can install anywhere you want (releases). Here’s a handy one-liner:

sudo install -m 755 \
  <(curl --compressed -LSsf --proto '=https' https://tea.xyz/$(uname)/$(uname -m)) \

Once installed you can install our shell magic:

tea --magic=install
  • Stepping into directories ensures the packages those projects need are installed on demand and available to the tools you’re using.
  • Commands you type just work without package management nonsense.


Documentation & Manual

You want all the docs? We got all the docs. docs.tea.xyz


Whatcha Think?

We’d love to hear your thoughts on this project. Feel free to drop us a note.


Adding New Packages

Check out the pantry README.

Contributing to tea/cli

If you have suggestions or ideas, start a discussion. If we agree, we’ll move it to an issue. Bug fixes straight to pull request or issue please!

Hacking on tea/cli

tea is written in TypeScript using deno.

$ git clone https://github.com/teaxyz/cli tea
$ cd tea

deno task run foo
# ^^ runs the local checkout passing `foo` as an argument

$ deno task install
# ^^ deploys the local checkout into your `~/.tea`

$ deno task compile && ./tea


tea: run anything


License:Apache License 2.0


Language:TypeScript 99.2%Language:Dockerfile 0.5%Language:Shell 0.3%