Tea Vui Huang (teavuihuang)


Geek Repo


Home Page:https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8593-4130

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tea Vui Huang's starred repositories


Qiskit-Shots-Animator animates microwave-pulse shots in a quantum circuit execution as microwave flashes either on a gate map, or x-ray photo of the quantum computer chip. Microwave measurement pulses interact with qubits via readout resonators and are reflected back, the animation illustrates readout microwave (MW) pulses at the corresponding Rx read-out resonators.



The Jetson Emulator emulates the NVIDIA Jetson AI-Computer's Inference and Utilities API for image classification, object detection and image segmentation (i.e. imageNet, detectNet and segNet). The intended users are makers, learners, developers and students who are curious about AI computers and AI edge-computing but are not ready or able to invest in an actual device such as the NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit (https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/jetson-nano-developer-kit). E.g. this allows every student in a computer class to have their own personal AI computer to explore and experiment with. This Jetson Emulator presents a pre-configured, ready-to-run kit with 2 virtual HDMI displays and 4 virtual live-cameras. This enables usage familiarisation with the Jetson API and experimentation with AI computer vision inference. It is a great way to quickly and easily get 'hands-on' with Jetson and experience the power of AI.
