teamdomy / domy

Custom Elements Storage

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Custom Elements storage

License Issues


Sign up by using your username, password and email:

domy signup

Log in to the system from another computer or using another account:

domy login

Compile the project using Stencil and after publish it, submitting the whole directory:

domy publish --version 0.1.0

Execute the command in the root (base) directory of your project
The version is optional. Non-versioned components will be sent to the master branch

It's possible to publish just one component by passing its class name

domy publish MyComponent --version 0.1.0

Install the component in another project using its class name:

domy install MyComponent --version 0.1.0

Installed components will be tracked in package.json webcomponents compartment

To install all components listed in package.json webcomponents compartment, drop the class name:

domy install

Components are installed in the node_modules/@ directory and could be reused in another Stencil application:

// master is a non-versioned release
import "@/MyComponent/master" // or

// 0.1.0 is a versioned release
import "@/MyComponent/0.1.0"

Remove a component from the registry (unpublish it):

domy remove MyComponent --purge


Custom Elements Storage

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:TypeScript 95.3%Language:JavaScript 4.7%