tdg5 / fantasy_football_nerd

Wrapper for Fantasy Football Nerd API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Fantasy Football Nerd API Ruby Gem

A Ruby Gem for the Fantasy Football Nerd API which:

takes the "wisdom of the crowd" to a new level by aggregating the fantasy football rankings of the best fantasy football sites on the planet to analyze the rankings given to each player to produce a consensus ranking.

This gem currently supports all Level 1 and Level 2 streams which cost $9 per season -- a total no-brainer if you're into fantasy sports and programming. Give the man his money.

Here's what you get with $9 and this gem:

  • Current Week
  • Team List
  • Season schedule
  • Player list
  • Bye weeks
  • Injuries
  • Auction draft values
  • Draft rankings - projected fantasy points for the entire season
  • Draft projections - projected stats for each scoring category for the entire season
  • Weekly rankings - projected fantasy points (PPR || Standard)
  • Weekly projections - projected stats for each scoring category


Fantasy Football Nerd recently overhauled to their API which a) drastically improved their service and b) completely deprecated the old API. The previous version of this gem won't work anymore so update your Gemfiles.

Cache your data!

Take heed to the warning on the Fantasy Football Nerd API page:

The data does not generally change more than once or twice per day, so it becomes unnecessary to continually make the same calls. Please store the results locally and reference the cached responses... Your account may be suspended or API access revoked if you are found to be making excessive data calls.

Seriously, Fantasy Football Nerd is not a big operation. Don't abuse their servers.


First, sign up for a Fantasy Football Nerd account. Then...

In plain ol' Ruby, install the gem:

gem install fantasy_football_nerd

And require it:

require 'rubygems'
require 'fantasy_football_nerd'

If you're using Rails, add the gem to your Gemfile and run bundle install

gem 'fantasy_football_nerd'

Before you can access the feeds you must set your API key (found on the Fantasy Football Nerd API dashboard) by one of two methods:

Set an environment variable via the terminal (good for production environments where you don't want to commit credentials to a repo).


Set a class variable from your script (good for one-offs like pulling down stats from IRB).

FFNerd.api_key = "ABC123DEF"

API Resources

This gem supports all of Fantasy Football Nerd's Level 1 and Level 2 resources. Results are typically returned as an array of ostructs (which is basically a hash that you can access with "dot notation" as if it were an object instance variable). Fantasy Football Nerd returns keys in CamelCase but that's not very Ruby like. I've added snake_case attributes so that you can do player.displayName or player.display_name, whichever suits your fancy.


Returns an array of teams.

team = FFNerd.teams.first
team.code        # "ARI"
team.full_name   # "Arizona Cardinals"
team.short_name  # "Arizona"


Returns an array of games.

game = FFNerd.schedule.first
game.game_id         # "1"
game.game_week       # "1"
game.game_date       # "2013-09-05"
game.away_team       # "BAL"
game.home_team       # "DEN"


Returns an array of players.

player = FFNerd.players.first
player.player_id     # "2"        # "1"
player.jersey        # "3"
player.lname         # "Anderson"
player.fname         # "Derek"
player.display_name  # "Derek Anderson"          # "CAR"
player.position      # "QB"
player.height        # "6-6"
player.weight        # "240"
player.dob           # "1983-06-15"       # "Oregon State"

Bye Weeks

Returns an array of the teams on bye for the given week.

bye = FFNerd.byes(4).first         # "CAR"
bye.bye_week     # "4"
bye.display_name # "Carolina Panthers"


Returns an array of injured players. Takes an optional parameter for the week number, or defaults to the current week.

injury = FFNerd.injuries(6)     # all injuries for week 6
injury = FFNerd.injuries.first  # the first injury of the current week
injury.week               # "1"
injury.player_id          # "0"
injury.player_name        # "Javier Arenas"               # "ARI"
injury.position           # "CB"
injury.injury             # "Hip"
injury.practice_status    # "Full Practice"
injury.game_status        # "Probable"
injury.notes              # ""
injury.last_update        # "2013-09-09"
injury.practice_status_id # 0

Auction Values

Returns an array of draft auction values.

value = FFNerd.auction_values.first
value.player_id     # "259"
value.min_price     # "60"
value.max_price     # "66"
value.avg_price     # "63"
value.display_name  # "Adrian Peterson"          # "MIN"
value.position      # "RB"

Current Week

Returns the current NFL week as an integer.

FFNerd.current_week  # 17

Standard Draft Rankings

Returns an array of players according to their projected draft values based on standard scoring. In this example I'm looking at the fourth element in the array because the PPR and standard rankings don't deviate until then in the test data.

player = FFNerd.standard_draft_rankings[3]
player.playerId      # "1136"
player.position      # "RB"
player.displayName   # "C.J. Spiller"
player.fname         # "C.J."
player.lname         # "Spiller"          # "BUF"
player.byeWeek       # "12"
player.nerdRank      # "6.140"
player.positionRank  # "4"
player.overallRank   # "4"

PPR Draft Rankings

Returns an array of players according to their projected draft values based on PPR scoring.

player = FFNerd.ppr_draft_rankings[3]
player.player_id     # "454"
player.position      # "WR"
player.display_name  # "Calvin Johnson"
player.fname         # "Calvin"
player.lname         # "Johnson"          # "DET"
player.bye_week      # "9"
player.nerd_rank     # "7.209"
player.position_rank # "1"
player.overall_rank  # "4"

Draft Projections

Returns an array of players with projected stats for a number of scoring categories. This data is useless once the season starts.

Must pass in a valid position of QB, RB, WR, TE, K, DEF.

player = FFNerd.draft_projections('QB').first
player.player_id         # "14"
player.completions       # "422"
player.attempts          # "640"
player.passing_yards     # "4992"
player.passing_td        # "40"
player.passing_int       # "17"
player.rush_yards        # "28"
player.rush_td           # "1"
player.fantasy_points    # "335"
player.display_name      # "Drew Brees"              # "NO"

Weekly Rankings

Returns an array of players with expected weekly fantasy points for both standard and PPR scoring.

Must request a specific position: QB, RB, WR, TE, K, DEF. You can also send along the specific week number (1-17). If you omit a week, it defaults to the current week.

player = FFNerd.weekly_rankings('QB', 2).first
player.week             # "2"
player.player_id        # "14"             # "Drew Brees"
player.position         # "QB"             # "NO"
player.standard         # "24.80"
player.standard_low     # "18.92"
player.standard_high    # "32.00"
player.ppr              # "24.80"
player.ppr_low          # "18.92"
player.ppr_high         # "32.00"
player.injury           # nil
player.practice_status  # nil
player.game_status      # nil
player.last_update      # nil

Weekly Projections

Returns an array of players with expected weekly values for each scoring category.

Must request a specific position: QB, RB, WR, TE, K (But NOT DEF!). You can also send along the specific week number (1-17). If you omit a week, it defaults to the current week.

player = FFNerd.weekly_projections('QB', 1).first
player.week             # "1"
player.player_id        # "14"
player.position         # "QB"
player.pass_att         # "39.0"
player.pass_cmp         # "25.0"
player.pass_yds         # "317.0"
player.pass_td          # "2.0"
player.pass_int         # "1.0"
player.rush_att         # "1.0"
player.rush_yds         # "1.0"
player.rush_td          # "0.0"
player.fumbles_lost     # "0.0"
player.receptions       # "0.0"
player.rec_yds          # "0.0"
player.rec_td           # "0.0"
player.fg               # "0.0"
player.fg_att           # "0.0"
player.xp               # "0.0"
player.def_int          # "0.0"
player.def_fr           # "0.0"
player.def_ff           # "0.0"
player.def_sack         # "0.0"
player.def_td           # "0.0"
player.def_ret_td       # "0.0"
player.def_safety       # "0.0"
player.def_pa           # "0.0"
player.def_yds_allowed  # "0.0"
player.display_name     # "Drew Brees"             # "NO"

Player Information

Commercial Access only!

Get biographical info for each player. You will need to pass along the playerId of the player you want. Unlike the FFNerd API, this resource does not return the player stats -- that comes from FFNerd.player_stats

  player = FFNerd.player_info(13)
  player.player_id  # "13"  # "1"  # "1"
  player.jersey  # "12"
  player.lname  # "Brady"
  player.fname  # "Tom"
  player.display_name  # "Tom Brady"  # "NE"
  player.position  # "QB"
  player.height  # "6-4"
  player.weight  # "225"
  player.dob  # "1977-08-03"  # "Michigan"
  player.twitter_id  # "tomedbrady12"

Player Stats

  • Commercial access only!*

I deviated from the FFNerd API feed and broke historical stats off of the player information resource. I've also changed some of the field names to make them consistent with FFNerd.weekly_projections.

year = 2000
week = 1
player_stats = FFNerd.player_stats(13)
stats = player_stats[year][week]
stats.year  # 2000
stats.player_id  # 13
stats.week  # 1
stats.game_date  # "09/03"
stats.opponent  # "TB"
stats.final_score  # "L16-21"
stats.game_played  # 0
stats.game_started  # 0
stats.completions  # 0
stats.pass_att  # 0
stats.percentage  # 0.00
stats.pass_yds  # 0
stats.avg_pass_yds  # 0.00
stats.pass_td  # 0
stats.interceptions  # 0
stats.sacks  # 0
stats.sack_yds  # 0
stats.qb_rating  # 0.00
stats.rush_att  # 0
stats.rush_yds  # 0
stats.rush_avg  # 0.00
stats.rush_td  # 0
stats.fumbles  # 0
stats.fumbles_lost  # 0

A player's ostruct/hash does not include keys for stats that would be irrelevant for him. For example, when you pull Matt Forte's stats, you'll find some values that are absent for Brady (and vice versa).

year = 2008
week = 1
player_stats = FFNerd.player_stats(175)
stats = player_stats[year][week]
stats.receptions # 3
stats.rec_yds # 18
stats.rec_avg # 6.00
stats.long_rec # 9
stats.rec_td # 0


Set your API key to "test" to access FFNerd's test feeds. This is useful if you're developing your app prior to the beginning of the season or if you'd like to have a static dataset that won't change as the season progresses. All of the Rspec tests here use the test feeds. Speaking of RSpec...

This gem includes comprehensive tests and uses VCR to cache http responses. If you're going to contribute, please write some tests.


Greg Baugues (


Wrapper for Fantasy Football Nerd API


Language:Ruby 100.0%