tdassonville / keyple-java

Keyple Java source

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'Eclipse Keyple' Java implementation

This is the repository for the Java implementation of the 'Eclipse Keyple' API. (In September 2019, the C++ implementation will be hosted on

Global Architecture of Keyple

global architecture

The API is currently divided in two major layers:

  • The ‘Keyple Core' : a Secure Element Proxy API which allows managing SE readers in a generic way, whaterver the reader driver or environment, and for standalone or distributed solution.
  • A ‘Calypso Keyple extension' : a high level Calypso Processing API allowing to operate commands with a Calypso Portable Object, and to manage a secure Calypso transaction. Dedicated reader’s plugins have to be implemented in order to interface the SE Proxy API with the specific reader’s drivers.

Supported platforms

  • Java SE 1.6 compact2
  • Android 4.4 KitKat API level 19

keyple-java repositories structure

  • Modules that are provided as artifacts
    • keyple-core: source and unit tests for the SE Proxy module.
    • keyple-calypso: source and unit tests for the Calypso library.
    • keyple-plugin: source and unit tests for the different plugins: PC/SC, Stub, Android NFC, Android OMAPI, etc.
  • developer support, testing
    • example: source for Keyple implementation examples, generic or Calypso specific.
    • integration: source for the integration code (SDK).

Keyple features and corresponding packages

Keyple features global for any Secure Element solution:

Features Packages
Selections of Secure Elements (high level API) org.eclipse.keyple.core.selection
Management of SE readers org.eclipse.keyple.core.seproxy
Notifications of reader plug/unplug, of SE insertion/remove
  • definition of automatic selection request in case of SE insertion on an Observable Reader.
Communication protocols filters (setting for contactless/contacts SE Reader) org.eclipse.keyple.core.seproxy.protocol
Reader plugins implementation support
  • Utility classes providing generic processing for SE Reader Plugins
Transmition of grouped APDU commands to a SE Reader (low level API) org.eclipse.keyple.core.seproxy.message
SE specific library implementation support
  • generic API to build a SE specific commands library

Keyple features defined to support the Calypso solution:

Features Packages
Calypso Portable Object commands and secure transaction management
  • high level CalypsoAPI, commands’ settings are limited to functional parameters
  • Calypso SAM (Secure Module) operations automatically processed
Calypso PO responses data parsing org.eclipse.keyple.calypso.command.po.parser
Calypso SAM responses data parsing org.eclipse.keyple.calypso.command.sam.parser
Calypso PO & SAM commands' sets
  • low level Calypso API, commands’ settings include technical parameters specific to Calypso PO revisions or Calypso SAM revisions
  • org.eclipse.keyple.calypso.command
  • org.eclipse.keyple.calypso.command.po
  • org.eclipse.keyple.calypso.command.po.builder
  • org.eclipse.keyple.calypso.command.po.parser.session
  • org.eclipse.keyple.calypso.command.sam.parser.session
  • org.eclipse.keyple.calypso.command.sam.builder
  • org.eclipse.keyple.calypso.command.sam

Keyple packages and corresponding usages

Depending on the targetting usage: implementation of a ticketing application (blue circle), a reader plugin (red circle), or a SE library (green circle), only specific Keyple packages must be imported.

  • generic packages for any SE solution

generic packages

  • specific packages for Calypso

Calypso packages


The Eclipse Keyple Java artifacts are published on the Eclipse Keyple Project page [] (may be soon also available on Maven).

  • Keyple modules:
    • 'Keyple Core module' JAR: the generic API to manage Secure Element Readers and to select SE application.
    • 'Keyple Calypso Library JAR': the Calypso API to operate a transaction with a Calypso Portable Object.
  • Keyple plugins:
    • 'Keyple PC/SC plugin JAR': to manage PC/SC readers on a PC environment supporting the # javax.smartcardio API
    • 'Keyple NFC Android plugin AAR': to operate the contactless reader of an Android Environment supporting the android.nfc API
    • 'Keyple OMAPI Android plugin AAR': to operate the internal contacts readers of an Android Environment supporting the OMAPI
    • 'Keyple "stub" plugin JAR': plugin to simulate the presence of fake readers with or without fake cards
    • 'Keyple "Remote SE" plugin JARs': plugin & service to manage a SE remotely in a transparent way.


The current functional specification keyple-doc is obsolete.

Building the examples and the Keyple components

Java components


Here are the prerequisites to build the keyple components (jars) and to run the /example projects

Linux or Macos

Following command will build all the artifacts at once.

./gradlew build  --info


Following command will build all the artifacts at once.

.\gradlew.bat build  --info

Android components

If you want to build the keyple android components (aar plugins, apk example app), you need :

  • Java JDK 1.8 or newer (OMAPI app requires java 1.8)
  • Intellij 2018 community version or Android Studio 3.0
  • Android sdk 26 should be installed on your machine follow those instructions

To acknowledge where is installed you Android SDK, you need to create a file in the /android, /android/example/calypso/nfc, /android/example/calypso/omapi folders with the following content sdk.dir=absolut/path/to/where/your/android/sdk/is

For instance sdk.dir=/Users/user/Library/Android/sdk

Linux or Macos

To build the plugins, execute the following commands in the /keyple-java folder.

./gradlew -b ./android/build.gradle build

To build the example app NFC and OMAPI

./gradlew -b ./android/example/calypso/nfc/build.gradle assembleDebug
./gradlew -b ./android/example/calypso/omapi/build.gradle assembleDebug


To build the plugins, execute the following commands in the /keyple-java folder

.\gradlew.bat -b ./android/build.gradle build

To build the example app NFC and OMAPI

.\gradlew.bat -b ./android/example/calypso/nfc/build.gradle assembleDebug
.\gradlew.bat -b ./android/example/calypso/omapi/build.gradle assembleDebug


Keyple Java source

License:Eclipse Public License 2.0


Language:Java 99.7%Language:Shell 0.3%Language:HTML 0.0%