tclh123 / ansicolor

A library to produce ansi color output and colored highlighting and diffing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Python version support: CPython 2.7, 3.2+.


ansicolor is a library that makes it easy to use ansi color markup in command line programs.


$ pip install ansicolor

You can also download tarballs from Github.


Read the documentation on Read the Docs!

Going further

Take a look at the demos to see what's possible.

$ python -m ansicolor.demos --color
$ python -m ansicolor.demos --highlight
$ python -m ansicolor.demos --diff

Maintenance tasks

Setting up a development environment (Ubuntu)

# if you don't have `mkvirtualenv` & `workon` functions in your shell
$ sudo apt install virtualenvwrapper

# creating the virtual env the first time
$ mkvirtualenv ansicolor
(ansicolor) $ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

# re-activating the virtual env next time
$ workon ansicolor

All the steps below assume you have an activated virtual env (even though the (ansicolor) prompt is not shown).

Running unit tests

The tests expect the environment variable TERM to be set, and to a value that is not dumb. If this is not the case tests will fail.

The canonical setting is TERM=xterm to signal that a terminal supports ANSI control codes just like xterm does.

$ py.test

Measuring code coverage

$ py.test --cov=ansicolor.ansicolor
$ coverage html
# open htmlcov/index.html in the browser

Running all possible tests under tox

We use tox to run both the unit tests and the demos under several different Python interpreter versions. Depending on which interpreters you have installed (this is managed system-wide and not covered in this README) tox will most likely give you a partial success.

# to run against all interpreters
$ tox

# to run only against selected interpreters
$ tox -e py27,py38

Checking code style

$ flake8 ansicolor

Re-formatting code

$ black ansicolor tests

Release a new version

  1. Before starting work on a change/fix/whatever, make sure there is no unfinished work on develop and merge master into develop.
  2. Make all the changes on develop.

Quality assurance (see steps above for how to):

  1. Make sure all tests are passing.
  2. Make sure test coverage has not declined.
  3. Make sure tox run succeeds on all (installed) interpreters.
  4. Make sure flake8 checker passes.
  5. Make sure black formatter has no changes to make.

Doc updates:

  1. Update docs/src/changes.rst.

Doing a release:

  1. Bump version in ansicolor/
  2. Git tag the new version and push the tag. This allows users/packagers to download an auto-generated zip/tarball of the tagged release from Github.
  3. python sdist
  4. python bdist_wheel
  5. twine upload dist/*


  1. Merge develop into master.

Post-release verification:

  1. pip install -U ansicolor from PyPI and use a tool that uses it.


A library to produce ansi color output and colored highlighting and diffing



Language:Python 99.6%Language:Shell 0.4%