tchaikousky / react-github-users-query

An exercise fetching Github user data from the Github API using React Controlled Components

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

Github User Query with Controlled Components

For this exercise you'll query the Github Users API for profile information on a specific user. You'll create a form that submits a username to the API and return the results on the same page.

The Github API URL is (replace [username] with an actual username):[username]

REMINDER: You'll need to setup controlled components in your React form:

Expected Behavior

  • The page loads you see the form, but no user info
  • Type a username into the input and click "submit"
  • A user's information populates the page
  • Additional users are added to the page with subsequent searches

Getting Started

  • Fork this repo
  • Clone it to your machine
  • Create a new branch called user-fetch-exercise
  • Run npm i
  • Remove all the default information from App.js
  • Create a folder called components
  • In that folder create TWO FUNCTIONAL COMPONENTS
    • UserCardList - Accepts an array of user data as a PROP
    • UserCard - Accepts a single user's information as a PROP
    • NOTE: These are similar to the Random User exercise

Component Breakdown

App.js (Class Based Component)

  • Create a form in this component
    • The form will need a CONTROLLED text input and a submit button
    • The form will need a handleSubmit function bound to onSubmit
    • The text input will need a handleChange function bound to onChange
  • Initial state for App.js should contain:
    • The value of the user name being searched (this is bound to our input!) i.e. userName
    • An array of user data (we can request more than one user!) i.e. users



  • This will setState to change the username value based on what is typed


  • On submit the form will take the username value and make a fetch() request to the Github API
  • The response from the API will be a single user.
  • That response will need to be added to the existing array of users
  • HINT: The spread operator will come in handy here, eg: [...this.state.users, newUserData]


  • Other than the render() method, you will not need any other lifecycle methods.
  • You're free to add lifecycle methods if you'd like (i.e. to start with at least one user being shown)

UserCardList (Functional Component)

  • This component takes the array of users (from App) as a prop (from App)
  • map through this list, passing an individual user's information into the UserCard component

UserCard (Functional Component)

  • This component takes a user objects as a prop (from UserCardList)
  • Render whatever data you'd like from a user's profile.
    • NOTE: Not all users have all their information filled out!
    • I'd recommend starting with the user's avatar_url, since almost every user has some sort of avatar image.


This exercise was inspired by the following blog post:

The blog post uses 100% functional components and React Hooks. If you'd like to try this method, create a new branch called user-fetch-hooks and refactor your project using Flavio's version as a template.


An exercise fetching Github user data from the Github API using React Controlled Components


Language:JavaScript 71.6%Language:HTML 18.4%Language:CSS 10.0%