tcdve / devowelizer

Devowelizer Test Approach

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Devowelizer Test Plan

The scripts are located here. The tests are organized as:

  • Master test plan is plan-devowelizer.jmx,
  • Functional test plan is tf-functional-test.jmx
  • Performance test plan is tf-performance-test.jmx


  • plan - is the top level JMeter script
  • tf - stands for test fragment and they are used by top level script. These cannot be run directly.

When running the master test plan, there is an option to run only the functional, performance or both of them. By default both tests fragments are included. Please check section Test Execution


  • Install JMeter v5.1.1
  • Set JMETER_HOME environment variable to the installation folder.
  • Enable jmeter plugins by downloading and following the instructions here.


  • JMeter can be installed with brew install jmeter
  • The JMeter installation path can be found with brew info jmeter

Test Plans Description

Master Test plan

plan-devowelizer.jmx - It contains the following elements:

Server Configuration

  • port, on which the application is running ( default is 8080)
  • protocol, which is used by the application (default is http)
  • host, the URL to access the application (default is localhost)
  • nrthreads, the number of the concurrent users/threads, that will be used for the performance test fragment ( default is 20)
  • csvFile, the csv file, which contains the tests for the functional tests (default is testInputs.csv). It needs to be located where the test-plans are ( same directory).
  • loopCount, the number of the test repetitions for the performance test fragment, (default is 50)
  • includeFunctionalTests, if the functional tests are enabled, (default is true)
  • includePerformanceTests, if the performance test fragment is enabled, default is (true)
  • performanceLengthString, the size of the path parameter for the performance test fragment. The default is 1, which triggers a logic to generate random strings with different length. Check Performance Test Plan section for more details
  • durationResponseTime, duration assertion, default is 6000 ms. If the request is longer than this value, it will be considered and reported as an error.

Test Inputs Data (csv)

The file which contains definitions for the functional tests. It is consisted of :

  • testName, the name of the functional
  • size, the size of the string, that will be used as path
  • path, the string that will be passed as path to the application
  • expectedResult, expected response of the application, in order to mark the functional test as successful.

Default request configuration

It defines the values for all http/https requests, based on the input parameters

setUp Thread Group "Verify if the server is up and running"

This thread group checks if the server is up and running. If it gets an error, the test execution will be aborted. It contains the following elements:

  • JSR223 PreProcessor Define the number of the functional test cases, which calculates dynamically the lines number in testInputs.csv and export the value for the functional test fragment
  • Response assertion for exact match, response assertion to verify that the actual result matches the expected result, defined into the csv file.
  • BeanShell Assertion for test failure and retry logic. Since every fifth request returns Internal Server Error, there is a retry logic to resend the request only once.
  • It uses the first line of the csvFile as an input for the test.

Functional API tests

It includes the test fragment for the functional tests, if the parameter includeFunctionalTests is true. It contains:

  • Test Fragment for Functional API testing
  • If controller Check if functional tests are enabled for the run
  • Include controller Include Functional Test Fragment, which runs tf-functional-test.jmx test plan.

Performance test

It includes the test fragment for the functional tests, if the parameter includePerformanceTests is true It contains:

  • Test Fragment for Performance Test
  • If controller Check if performance tests are enabled for the run
  • Include controller Include Functional Test Fragment, which runs tf-performance-test.jmx test plan.
  • Graph result listener Graph Results, which visualize the requests, done via the performance tests (when using GUI mode)
  • jp@gc - Response Codes per Second, which shows the response codes of the requests, during the perf run ( when using GUI mode)
  • jp@gc - Hits per Second, which shows the hits to the application per second (when using GUI mode)
  • jp@gc - Response Times Over Time, which shows the response time of the requests during the performance test execution (when using GUI mode)
  • jp@gc - Transactions per Second, which shows the throughput of the system (when using GUI mode)

View Results Tree

Shows detailed information for each request, very useful for debugging. By default is disabled, since it causes performance issues to jMeter when running performance test.

Summary Report

When tests are executed in graphical mode (using jMeter UI), it shows the summary of the requests.

Response Assertion for code 200

It verifies that the response code for each request is 200 (OK)

Response Duration Assertion

It verifies that response time for each request is no longer than the specified one ( Default is 6000 milliseconds)

Functional API testing

tf-functional-test.jmx It contains the following :

  • Http request Test with ${testName} and stringSize ${size}, parameters are taken from the csv file.
  • JSR223 PreProcessor Generate large strings, which can be used to generate large, custom strings. By default it generates string with length 512 and another one with 8075 symbols.
  • BeanShell Assertion for test failure and retry logic. Since every fifth request returns Internal Server Error, there is a retry logic to resend the request only once.

Current Functional Tests Included ( every line is a new test test). New tests can be added automatically by adding additional lines into the csv file.

Only vowels with small letters,5,aeuio,,
Vowels with "y" included,6,aeuioy,y,
Only vowels with small letters,5,aeuio,,
Capital vowels,5,AEUIO,AEUIO,
Only non-vowels,21,bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz,bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz
The whole alphabet lower case,26,abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz,bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz
Empty string,0,,Send GET to /:input
Only numbers,10,01234567890,01234567890
UltraLong String,8075,definedInTheScript,definedInTheScript

Performance Tests

tf-performance-test.jmx It contains the following:

  • Http request Performance test with stringSize ${performanceSize}, and the parameter performanceSize is taken from the JSR223 PreProcessor.
  • JSR223 PreProcessor Defining the string length, which creates random string for path. If the default value 1 is provided, it will create random strings with length 10, 50,100, 500, 1000 and pass them for the performance requests. If the user specify any other value, it will create random string with the desired length and pass them for the peformance tests.

Test Execution

GUI Mode

This mode should be used only for debugging, investigating or modifying the scripts. The process is quite straight-forward:

  • Start jMeter in GUI mode with:

This assumes you have jMeter in the path.

  • Load the master test plan from "File -> Open" and choose plan-devowelizer.jmx file.
  • If needed, enable the View Results Tree listener to view each request details. To do that, use right mouse click on the element and select "Enable"
  • Start the test by clicking the green arrow or from "Run -> Start"
  • Use the listeners to analyze the application behavior

Running test from command line

This is the recommended mode to execute the test plan. It can be easily integrated into Jenkins, using this plugin.

The command to run the test is:

Minimum parameters ( it will use the default values, described in "Master Test Plan", "Configuration" section):

jmeter -n -t plan-devowelizer.jmx -l results.csv

where results.csv file contains information for each sampler.

All parameters example

jmeter -Jhost=localhost -Jport=8080 -Jprotocol=http -Jnrthreads=20 -JcsvFile=testInputs.csv -JloopCount=20 -JincludeFunctionalTests=true -JincludePerformanceTests=true -JperformanceLengthString=1500 -JdurationResponseTime=6000 -n -t plan-devowelizer.jmx -l results.csv -e -o automaticReport

where -e -o automaticReport is the destination for the report, described in section "Report Generation".

Report Generation

Example of the report can be seen here. Clone the repository and open index.html in any browser. More details about the report dashboard can be found here:

The report is autogenerated when to the command above is appended the following: -e -o reportFolder, so the whole command becomes:

jmeter -n -t plan-devowelizer.jmx -l results.csv -e -o reportFolder

During the test execution jMeter will report similar information into the console or jMeter.log:

jmeter -n -t plan-devowelizer.jmx -l results.csv -e -o reportFolder
Creating summariser <summary>
Created the tree successfully using ..\scripts\plan-devowelizer.jmx
Starting the test @ Sun May 19 18:56:57 EEST 2019 (1558281417524)
Waiting for possible Shutdown/StopTestNow/HeapDump/ThreadDump message on port 4445
summary +      1 in 00:00:04 =    0.2/s Avg:    47 Min:    47 Max:    47 Err:     0 (0.00%) Active: 1 Started: 1 Finished: 0
summary +     10 in 00:00:29 =    0.3/s Avg:  2377 Min:     7 Max:  5028 Err:     1 (10.00%) Active: 1 Started: 1 Finished: 0
summary =     11 in 00:00:34 =    0.3/s Avg:  2166 Min:     7 Max:  5028 Err:     1 (9.09%)
summary +     96 in 00:00:29 =    3.3/s Avg:  3718 Min:     8 Max:  5062 Err:    25 (26.04%) Active: 30 Started: 31 Finished: 1
summary =    107 in 00:01:03 =    1.7/s Avg:  3559 Min:     7 Max:  5062 Err:    26 (24.30%)
summary +    309 in 00:00:29 =   10.6/s Avg:  3929 Min:     5 Max:  5165 Err:    68 (22.01%) Active: 59 Started: 60 Finished: 1
summary =    416 in 00:01:32 =    4.5/s Avg:  3834 Min:     5 Max:  5165 Err:    94 (22.60%)
summary +    541 in 00:00:30 =   18.1/s Avg:  3975 Min:     4 Max:  5111 Err:   114 (21.07%) Active: 89 Started: 90 Finished: 1
summary =    957 in 00:02:02 =    7.8/s Avg:  3914 Min:     4 Max:  5165 Err:   208 (21.73%)
summary +    720 in 00:00:30 =   24.0/s Avg:  4014 Min:     3 Max:  5139 Err:   146 (20.28%) Active: 100 Started: 101 Finished: 1

Once the test finished jMeter will report as following:

summary =  50011 in 00:37:43 =   22.1/s Avg:  4051 Min:     3 Max:  5642 Err: 10001 (20.00%)
Tidying up ...    @ Sun May 19 19:34:40 EEST 2019 (1558283680802)
... end of run

And report can be access by loading into any browser the index.html file, located in folder reportFolder



Since the case with y has not been clarified, the test for it follows the current behavior, so it passes successfully. Since the case with capital vowels has not been clarified, the tests follows the current behavior, so it passes successfully

TO be done

Incorporate the dynamic verification of the random generated strings that are used for path and their response.


Devowelizer Test Approach


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