tcco / dtc-assets

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Handing off password protected assets to developers!

Useful links


The contains a boilerplate template using our internal up-py-common 
(copied in by hand) as well as FastAPI as a web framework. Please download and follow 
the in order to get started. Once you run make run go to endpoint 
http://localhost:5000/docs to see the auto generated Swagger and how they’re auto-generated 
from the code. The one internal tool you should drill into is in up_py_common.pynamodb_utils 
which helps utilize DynamoDB in these given tools.

Getting acquainted with the tools in the setuptools file as well as thinking through what 
would be useful in future would be a great start. To give a teaser, we’re obviously looking 
to put together a service that manages affiliate networks at a shop level initially, but 
search capability, categorization, internal portal management, and eventually maintaining 
a product level relationships. But more to come there in future discussions.


Attached are the SDK as it stands and the initial app we used the SDK with, 
BookAnywhere. We'll aim to have a knowledge transfer with the original maintainers.

There are two parallel tracks we'll be pursuing: updating our SDK to our latest internal 
version v5 and building a mobile app that integrates WebView overlays with our latest SDK. 
These code bases are 2 years old so it'll be good to understand what needs to be modernized. 
The SDK will need to maintain backwards compatibility but the mobile app only needs to be 
compatible for latest versions to reduce complexity.


- Personally I was unable to get this repository to build. We can follow up more in our knowledge transfer conversation here in near future
- I manipulated UpliftSDK/ProductionScripts/ to use the current directory as the ROOT_FOLDER which was a step in the right direction but still failed at a following step
- Sample apps are provided in Quest3 and SampleApp directories
- In regards to upgrading our SDK, please begin to understand ULApi.m where the offer and order methods will be sunsetted


- pod install as well as carthage update from BookAnywhere directory. However you likely won't need to do this given I've zipped everything up
- I had to comment out all references to UPIdentity because I was unable to download properly from internal repositories. Feel free to comment out as necessary to get the build to work
- This app should serve as a point of reference rather than the actual code base we're going to work on! 


Both the Android SDK and the BookAnywhere app are pretty easy to download and boot up.

I had to ignore some folders like idea and gradle to reduce the size of the zips. Please
let met know if things don't run out of the box like expected
