tburakdirlik / CreditApplication

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Docker desktop.

Run below command in the terminal

docker pull postgres


Lombok, Spring Data Jpa, Spring Web, PostgreSQL Driver


For sms sending, Twilio library used.

Twilio uses the application.yml file and pulls the information from it. I added this information to the code because it gave an error when using trial_number. Trial_number has been added in line 28 in TwilioSmsSender class. Only registered numbers in Twilio account are saved in PostgreSQL database, so that if you disable this service just delete lines 52,53 -- 188,189,190 lines in the Controller class which under the CreditApi package. This service used at addUser and updateUser methods.

These link were referenced for sms api and adapted to the project --> https://github.com/amigoscode/springboot-twilio

PostgreSQL is running as a docker container. For this, go to the docker-compose.yml file and run the following command from the terminal.

Preferred Doman Driven Design.

docker-compose -f .\docker-compose.yml up -d

Example Json request if you want to use.

    "name": "tunahan burak",
    "surname": "dirlik",
    "userId": 10000000000,
    "telephoneNo": 905536784805,
    "monthlyIncome": 8000.00,
    "creditScore": 1000,
    "creditLimitMultiplier": 4


When I make this repo public, a message has arrived. Incoming message : Twilio API credentials have been compromised and have automatically revoked

So that to use app properly, make commet 52,53 -- 188,189,190 lines under controller class.

Or use your own Twilio credentials informations, which under CreditApplication/PaytenCreditProject/target/classes/application.yml And change trial_number which mention CreditApplication/PaytenCreditProject/src/main/java/com/payten/paytencreditproect2/SmsApi/TwilioSmsSender.java line 28



Language:Java 100.0%