tbrlpld / 100daysofweb-with-python-course

45 projects I created from the "100 Days Of Web in Python" course during the 100DaysOfCode challenge

Home Page:https://training.talkpython.fm/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

100 Days of web with Python

I have used the "100 Days of web with Python" course as guiding materials and for project ideas while participating in the #100DaysOfCode challenge.

This repository contains all 45 projects I have created during the challenge in the work directory. Some of the projects were create while coding along the video lessons, but most are spin-off projects I have created by myself using the technology introduced in the video lesson.

I have documented my progress in this #100DaysOfCode log repo. You can also find a HTML version of the log at log100days.lpld.io.


45 projects I created from the "100 Days Of Web in Python" course during the 100DaysOfCode challenge



Language:JavaScript 40.9%Language:Python 38.7%Language:HTML 10.6%Language:CSS 8.9%Language:Mako 0.3%Language:Shell 0.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%