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Thiago Britto-Borges personal repository

Experienced Bioinformatician & Machine Learning Scientist | PhD in Bioinformatics | Specializing in RNA Splicing, Post-Transcriptional Regulation & OMICs Data Analysis.


Hello, I'm Thiago Britto Borges! With over 11 years of experience in bioinformatics and computational biology, I specialize in analyzing clinical and OMICs datasets to uncover insights in disease diagnosis and treatment. My expertise spans from developing computational workflows to integrating machine learning techniques for groundbreaking research. I'm passionate about testing (and understanding), benchmarking and then leveraging state-of-the-art methodologies to contribute to multidisciplinary teams in computational biology.

Skills & Interests:

  • Languages: Proficient in Python and R, experienced with Linux systems (bash/fishell).
  • Tools: Snakemake/Nextflow, Docker/Singularity and HPC (sge / slurm).
  • Vast experience mediating the interfae between multi-disciplinary teams.
  • Fields of Interest: Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Machine Learning, RNA Splicing, Transcriptomics, Proteomics.


Personal repository