tbmreza / abstract-machines


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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

observations I'm not terribly sure about:

  • Kont is also Storable along with Value(Env); atomic evaluation can yield Kont
  • the adj "abstract" in abstract time-stamped cesk* means we use stack data structures in tick and alloc instead of first-class functions
  • https://smlhelp.github.io/book/docs/concepts/control-flow/cps is a valuable resource
    • may have the breadth for an instructive material, but writing style is uninspiring
  • "compositional interpreter" is umbrella term for interpreters born from maths/fp




Language:Racket 45.3%Language:Haskell 28.7%Language:OCaml 24.0%Language:Lean 1.9%