tbjgolden / xnr

Easily, quickly and reliably run a (TS/JS) Node.js script from the CLI.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



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Easily, quickly and reliably run a Node.js script from the CLI.

npx xnr any-file.{ts,tsx,cts,mts,js,jsx,cjs,mjs}
  • converts local dependencies — will transpile anything needed to run the file
  • zero config — it should just work - but if it doesn't work, leave an issue!
  • fast — skips TypeScript type checking
  • light — <4MB including dependencies = faster CI
  • tolerant — makes as few assumptions as possible
    • supports tsconfig paths if provided
    • equally, doesn't need tsconfig
    • plays nice with rogue npm dependencies that expect one of require or import
  • just performant* JavaScript — no Rust or Golang!

* uses sucrase to convert to TypeScript to JavaScript, and then performs fast AST manipulations to make the interop work - no tsc/babel/esbuild/swc here


runner single TS file big TS project install time install size compat #1 compat #2 compat #3 compat #4
xnr 0.14sec 0.56sec 4.82sec 3.9MB
esr 0.08sec 0.12sec 7.71sec 10.6MB
swc-node 0.22sec 0.38sec 37.88sec 95.1MB
ts-node 0.65sec 1.60sec 16.10sec 45.2MB

single ts file

const run = (date: Date): void => {
      (date.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, "0"),
      date.getDate().toString().padStart(2, "0"),

run(new Date(3000, 0, 1));

big ts project + compat tests

Measured by running a simple script that imports the date-fn (TypeScript) > source files directly.

// repo:date-fns/src/index.ts
import { format } from "(date-fns-source)";
// where `(date-fn-source)` =>
//   #1 `./src`
//   #2 `./src/index.ts`
//   #3 `./src/index.js`
//   #4 `./src` with `"type": "module"` in package.json
// support for each import path varies by runner

const run = (): void => {
  console.log(format(new Date(3000, 0, 1), "yyyy-MM-dd"));


the actual script

echo "xnr:"
start_timer && node ./node_modules/.bin/xnr ./file.ts && print_timer
echo "ts-node:"
start_timer && node ./node_modules/.bin/ts-node ./file.ts && print_timer
echo "esr:"
start_timer && node ./node_modules/.bin/esr ./file.ts && print_timer
echo "swc-node:"
start_timer && node -r @swc-node/register ./file.ts && print_timer

2023-05-12, 3 run avg, MacBook Pro w/ M1 Pro

byte size

installed required dependencies with npm into an empty dir, then:
rm package.json && rm package-lock.json && du -sk .

install time

tested with my (slow 😢) 1.5MB/s Wi-Fi download speed (no cache, 3 run avg)

Getting Started

Optional: install it

npm install --save-dev xnr

Run it from the CLI

const typedFn = (str: string) => console.log(str);
typedFn("hello world");
> npx xnr your-file.ts
hello world

Or build now, run later

# requires xnr to be installed
> npx xnrb your-file.ts your-build-dir

> node your-build-dir/your-file.cjs
hello world

your-build-dir contains all the needed local dependencies (transpiled) to run the file natively


// Convert an input code string to a node-friendly esm code string
export declare const transform: (
  inputCode: string,
  filePath?: string | undefined
) => Promise<string>;

// Convert source code from an entry file into a directory of node-friendly esm code
export declare const build: (
  entryFilePath: string,
  outputDirectory?: string | undefined
) => Promise<string | undefined>;

// Runs a file, no questions asked (auto-transpiling it and its dependencies as required)
export declare const run: (
  entryFilePath: string,
  args?: string[],
  outputDirectory?: string | undefined
) => Promise<number>; // status code

Please leave bug reports if something doesn't work as expected! 😄




Easily, quickly and reliably run a (TS/JS) Node.js script from the CLI.



Language:TypeScript 87.1%Language:JavaScript 12.9%