tbaums / dcos-elastic-kibana-demo

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Simple Elastic + Kibana Demo on DCOS

Below are instructions for setting up a simple Elastic + Kibana demo on DCOS


  • DC/OS 1.12 EE
  • X Masters
  • Y Agents

Setup DC/OS cluster

Connect to your cluster using dcos cluster setup like so:

dcos cluster setup https://<MASTER_NODE_IP_OR_ELB_ADDRESS>

Install DC/OS enterprise CLI

If you don't already have the enterprise cli installed, do so.

dcos package install dcos-enterprise-cli --yes

Install Elastic

dcos package install elastic --yes

You can monitor the Elastic deployment with the command below:

dcos elastic plan status deploy

Load Elastic with sample data

First, SSH into your master node. This is where we will pull down our data and load it into Elastic.

dcos node ssh --master-proxy --leader

Next, we will pull down the sample data we will use.

NB: This is a simple dataset of US spending on hospital care by state from 2008-2014. This dataset was selected because health spending a universally understandable metric and lends itself to both geographical and time series visualizations.

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tbaums/dcos-elastic-kibana-demo/master/expenditure-data.json

Run the below command to load the dataset in bulk to the expenditure index and hospital type in the Elastic cluster.

curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/x-ndjson" \
-XPOST http://coordinator.elastic.l4lb.thisdcos.directory:9200/expenditure/hospital/_bulk \
--data-binary "@expenditure-data.json"

Don't forget to logout of your SSH session

Install Kibana

Prepare Kibana config file

On your local machine, save the JSON blob below as kibana-config.json to pass as options when we install Kibana.

    "service": {
        "name": "kibana"
    "kibana": {
        "elasticsearch_url": "http://coordinator.elastic.l4lb.thisdcos.directory:9200/",
        "xpack_enabled": false

Install Kibana on DC/OS

Then, run the below command to install Kibana on the cluster:

dcos package install kibana  --yes --options=kibana-config.json

Load Kibana dashboard



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