tbal999 / tbal999

my online cv i guess

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

some of the stuff I do:

- Golang:
	- Decoupled design [interfaces / objects / factories]
	- Building generic solutions that are extremely fast & efficient
	- Debugging (Delve)

- K8s & Docker:
	- I can build fully functional production ready k8s environments on multi-VPS solutions.
	- the stack is: Taskfile, Docker, Kustomize, Helm, Kapp, Git and Go.
	- You can use any k8s cluster you want. Minikube. Kind. k3s. k0s. GKE. EKS. It doesn't matter. I use k0s.

- Testing:
	- Localstack for AWS for end to end testing
	- end to end / integration / unit tests
- Git:
	- Github actions
	- Trunk based development
	- Git flow development
- Terraform:
	- Creating module patterns for simplicity
	- Creating cloud infrastructure

- Cloud architecture:
	- Architectural diagrams [draw.io / plantuml]
	- Requirements elicitation / purpose gathering
	- User story writing and creation
	- Integration design

	- Lambda [functions]
	- SNS [pub/sub]
	- SQS [queues/deadletter queues]
	- DynamoDB [key value database]
	- S3 [file storage / key value]
	- Kinesis [streams]

- Query languages: 
- Other:
	- Python:
		- Pandas
		- Numpy
		- Automation [with python anything is possible]
	- Soft skills [the most important skills - let's be honest here!]
	- Data analysis


my online cv i guess