taymourniazi / Digital-Forensic-Analytics

Forensic Investigation, Network Traffic Analysis, Penetration Testing, Antivirus Evasion, Web recon

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Forensic Investigation, Network Traffic Analysis, Penetration Testing, Antivirus Evasion, Web recon

These codes are almost similar to book: "Violent Python: A Cookbook for Hackers, Forensic Analysts, Penetration Testers and Security Engineers" book by TJ. O’Connor.

Operating System

I Use virtualbox to setup a Ubuntu 18.04 LTS linux box to run these on
The actual i have is Kali Linux 64 Bit 2018.2
Window7 for few scripts

Where possible i display all he codes with result Jupyter notebook (#FileFormat .ipynb)

Penetration Testing


Building a port scanner

In the command Line pass the port argument as a string i.e in " " for multiple port like follow;
taymour:∼# python portScan.py -H -p "21, 1720"


Nmap Port Scanner

Scan the ports on the provided hosts.

D) SSH_Botnet.py

Building An SSH Botnet

Issue commands on ssh hosts at once provided you have the user names and passwords.

E) sshBrute.py

Brute Forcing SSH Passwords with Pxssh

Brute forces a host's ssh server with a provided worldlist

H) botNet.py

Constructing the SSH Botnet

Change IP, Root, Password to issue SSH commands on compromised machines.

I) anonLogin.py

First you have to allow /etc/vsftpd.conf file to enable anon_login to yes or uncomment it

L) massCompromise.py

Mass comprise by bridging FTP and Web

In command line following options are required to attack web pages and inject your own html file to steal compromised user credentials in default location
Usage from terminal
taymour# python massCompromise.py -H -r '<iframe src=""></iframe>' -f userpass.txt

Forensic Investigations with Python

M) discoverNetworks.py

Analysis of wireless aaccess points-WAP in the registry, Using Mechanize to Submit the MAC Address to Wigle

Allow to analyse connected wifi through mac adress by reading windows registry
Usage from command prompt
(py27) C:\Users\Taymour> python discoverNetworks.py -u -p

N) dumpRecycleBin.py

Recover deleted items in the recycle bin

Allows to discover deleted items in windows operating system ,also provide information about the user who delete files

O) PdfRead.py

Using PyPDF to Parse PDF Metadata

taymour:!# python pdfRead.py -F Violent_Python.pdf
provide metadata and information about pdf like creation date, user, title, creator, producer etc.

P) exifFetch.py

Reading Exif Metadata from Images

build a script to connect to a Website, download all the images on the site, and then check them for Exif metadata.
#Usage in CMD

python exifFetch.py -u http://www.flickr.com/photos/dvids/4999001925/sizes/o

Q) skype-parse.py

Investigating skype application artifacts

List out variety of contents of skype in python console about skype user history name, tags, location, text messages etc
python skype-parse.py -p C:\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Skype_for_Desktop\skylib\taymourniazi

R) parse-firefox.py

Parsing Firefox Sqlite3 Databases with Python

Display propoerties like downloads, google search, cookies
taymour~# python parse-firefox.py -p !/Library/Application/Support/Firefox/Profiles/8fg7cd82.default/

Network Traffic Analysis with Python

S) printGeo.py

powerful packet analysis toolkit that allows us to see the physical destinations of our packets.

providing IP adress the script print the details like country, city name, longitude and latitude
taymour~# python printGeo.py -p geotest.pcap

V) linkParser.py

Parsing HREF Links with Beautiful Soup

Extract URL Links from given website main page
taymour:# python linkParser.py -u http://www.hampsterdance.com/

W) imageMirror

Downloading images with Beautiful Soup

It will download images from given website into speified folder
taymour∼# python imageMirror.py -u http://xkcd.com -d /tmp/


Forensic Investigation, Network Traffic Analysis, Penetration Testing, Antivirus Evasion, Web recon


Language:Python 53.4%Language:Jupyter Notebook 46.6%