taylorreiter / 2022-cf-sputum

Analysis of cystic fibrosis sputum RNA-seq samples for discovery of interesting gene expression pathways

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Using Pseudomonas aeruginosa transcriptome profiles to discover facets of cystic fibrosis (CF) disease processes

This repository investigates RNA-seq data from P. aeruginosa to determine genes and pathways that are associated with CF.

Getting started with this repository

This repository uses conda to manage software installations. You can find operating system-specific instructions for installing miniconda here. To setup the environment required for this repository, run the following commands:

conda env create --name sputum --file environment.yml
conda activate sputum

Snakemake can parallelize job submission and modulate resource usage (RAM, CPUs). We used the command below in a slurm cluster, but other cluster engines are also supported.

snakemake -s add_new_to_compendia.snakefile -j 16 --use-conda --rerun-incomplete --latency-wait 15 -
-resources mem_mb=200000 --cluster "sbatch -t 720 -J comp -p bmm -n 1 -N 1 -c {threads} --mem={resources.mem_mb}" -k

Alternatively, snakemake can be executed without a cluster:

snakemake -s add_new_to_compendia.snakefile -j 2 --use-conda --rerun-incomplete -k -n

These parameters are described below:

  • -s specifies the snakefile to be executed (here, add_new_to_compendia.snakefile)
  • -j 2 parallelizes the snakefile over two cores (drop to -j 1 to only run one process at a time)
  • --use-conda tells snakemake to use conda to manage software environments for each rule
  • --rerun-incomplete tells snakemake to rerun rules when it thinks a file is incomplete, e.g. as may occur if a file is half-finished when a snakemake process is terminated.
  • -k indicates for the snakefile to keep running even if a rule fails. Snakemake will attempt to run all rules that don't depend on the output of the failed rule.
  • -n specifies a dry run. Remove this to actually execute the snakefile. The dry run is useful to make sure snakemake is running the desired rules for the desired number of times.

Tools and data

Recently, a compendia of P. aeruginosa gene expression were created using publicly available RNA-seq data (see preprint, data repository, and GitHub repository). This repository leverages these compendia to identify transcriptome signatures relevant to CF. Since the compendia was constructed, new RNA-seq samples from expectorated sputum from CF patients have been added to the SRA. Additionally, ex vivo sputum samples in which P. aeruginosa was cultured were created by the Hogan lab. This repository includes a snakefile that processes these new samples to add them to the existing compendia, and then uses the new compendia for downstream analysis.

We used the software tools eADAGE and SOPHIE to discover and and rank gene expression patterns by specific relevance to CF, and sourmash gather to identify specific strains present in each sample.

Questions and approach

Below we describe the questions asked by the data analyses in this repository and outline the computational experiments used to address these questions. We separate these questions by data set: publicly available RNA-seq from sputum samples or RNA-seq from P. aeruginosa cultured on sputum (ex vivo).

Publicly available RNA-seq from sputum samples

  • What pathways are strongly activated in public sputum samples, even if it’s in a subset of samples?
    • Experiment: ADAGE public sputum samples
  • What pathways are commonly activated among all public sputum samples?
    • Experiment: ADAGE public sputum samples (can compare to all samples in the compendium or control samples)
  • Of all of these pathways, which ones are composed of genes that are specific to CF sputum?
    • Experiment: Sophie public sputum samples vs. public controls
      • For PAO1, controls will be public LB medium samples (exp1) and M63 (exp2)
      • For PA14, controls will be public LB medium samples (either samples from many studies or just select a duplicate) (exp1) and M63 (exp2)

RNA-seq from P. aeruginosa cultured on sputum (ex vivo)

  • Are there underrecognized gene expression pathways that are important in disease severity but that have been missed because there was no good comparator previously?
    • Experiment: Sophie ex vivo sputum vs. M63
  • Does ASM mimic the sputum environment well?
    • Experiments: Sophie ASM vs. M63; Sophie ASM vs. ex vivo sputum; Sophie ex vivo sputum vs. M63

Relating the ex vivo RNA-seq data to publicly available sputum RNA-seq data

  • Are genes that are activated in the public samples the same as those that are activated in the ex vivo samples?
    • Are there common pathways/genes that are activated in all public and ex vivo samples that are not commonly differentially expressed?
      • Experiments: ADAGE ex vivo samples; Sophie ex vivo sputum vs. M63
    • Are there genes that are strongly activated in a subset of samples, both in the public and the ex vivo samples?
      • Experiment: ADAGE ex vivo sputum samples
  • When we add metals, do we see activation of the same pathways as are activated in public data?
    • Experiments: ADAGE ex vivo sputum_m (metals); ADAGE public sputum samples; Sophie ex vivo sputum vs ex vivo sputum_m

Explanation of snakefiles and outputs

Below we include an explanation of the purpose and outputs from each snakefile. We uploaded the main outputs from each snakefile to an Open Science Framework repository.

Variables in the snakefiles:

  • pa14: Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PA14. Generally refers to the salmon transcriptome index against which RNA-seq samples was aligned.
  • pao1: Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain PAO1. Generally refers to the salmon transcriptome index against which RNA-seq samples was aligned.
  • spu: ex vivo sputum samples from patients with cystic fibrosis that were cultured with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the Hogan lab.
  • spu_m: ex vivo sputum samples from patients with cystic fibrosis that had metals added to them and that were cultured with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the Hogan lab.
  • spu_pub: Publicly available sputum samples from patients with cystic fibrosis. Samples are detailed in this metadata file. Samples that did not have P. aeruginosa detected via sourmash gather were labelled as FALSE in the column pa_in_reads and removed from the analysis.
  • lb: LB medium. Publicly available samples that were cultured in LB were used as controls for comparisons against the publicly available sputum samples (spu_pub). Selection of which samples to use as controls is detailed in this notebook.
  • asm: Artificial sputum medium. P. aeruginosa was cultured in the Hogan lab in ASM. RNA-seq samples were used as controls for comparisons against ex vivo samples (spu and spu_m).
  • asm_m: Artificial sputum medium treated with metals. P. aeruginosa was cultured in the Hogan lab in ASM. RNA-seq samples were used as controls for comparisons against ex vivo samples (spu and spu_m).
  • m63: A minimal medium. P. aeruginosa was cultured in the Hogan lab in M63. RNA-seq samples were used as controls for comparisons against ex vivo samples (spu and spu_m).

add_new_to_compendia.snakefile: adding new samples to the Pa compendia using

The add_new_to_compendia.snakefile orchestrates adding new RNA-seq samples to the P. aeruginosa compendia referenced above. It was used to add new SRX SRA accessions and to add the RNA-seq samples from the Hogan lab. It relies on the metadata sheets inputs/metadata.csv and inputs/hogan_metadata.csv.

For the new SRA samples, the pipeline primarily relies on three columns:

  1. run: SRA run accession (usually begins with ERR, SRR, etc.)
  2. experiment_accession: SRA experiment accession (usually begins with ERX, SRX, etc)
  3. fastq_ftp: ftp links for the sequencing data on the European Nucleotide Archive

These columns are used to download the publicly available RNA-seq samples from the European Nucleotide Archive and to process them into counts.

The pipeline is written to require two additional metadata columns which are used to filter out accessions that don't contain P. aeruginosa (pa_in_reads) or that are already in the compendia (accession_in_comp).

m = m[m['accession_in_comp'] == False] # filter the metadata to public data that's not in the compendia
m = m[m['pa_in_reads'] == True] # filter the metadata to samples that contained any Pa reads

For the hogan lab samples, the pipeline primarily relies on the sample identifier in the metadata sheet.

Note that adding new samples to the compendia requires new filtering and normalization, as these processes use the entire data set. You can see how filtering and normalization changed the count values in the compendia in this notebook.

This snakefile produces the output folders:

  • inputs/original_compendia: downloaded original compendia files
  • inputs/transcriptomes: downloaded PA14 and PAO1 cDNA files.
  • outputs/t_indxs: salmon index files for PA14 and PAO1
  • outputs/interleaved_spu: interleaved Hogan lab RNA-seq samples
  • outputs/multiqc: multiqc ran on the salmon aux_info/meta_info.json files.
  • outputs/salmon: salmon quantified counts for public samples
  • outputs/salmon_spu: salmon quantified counts for Hogan lab samples
  • outputs/combined_compendia: new combined compendia as transcripts per million and num reads.
  • outputs/filt_norm_compendia/: new filtered and normalized compendia.

Note the _spu folders contain the Hogan lab samples; because of the input data format varied between public samples and Hogan lab samples, they needed to be separated into different output files to avoid collisions in the snakemake DAG.

gather_for_strain.snakefile: using sourmash gather to determine which genomes are detected in the RNA-seq samples

This snakefile relies on outputs from add_new_to_compendia.snakefile. This snakefile determines which genomes are detected in the publicly available sputum samples and in the ex vivo cultured Hogan lab samples. For more details on sourmash gather and to visualize the taxonomic composition of samples, see this notebook.

This snakefile produces the output folders:

  • rnaseq_sourmash_sketch: sourmash FracMinHash sketches for publicly available sputum samples.
  • rnaseq_sourmash_sketch_spu: sourmash FracMinHash sketches for Hogan lab samples.
  • rnaseq_sourmash_gather: sourmash gather results for publicly available sputum samples.
  • rnaseq_sourmashgather_spu: sourmash gather results for Hogan lab samples.

Note the _spu folders contain the Hogan lab samples; because of the input data format varied between public samples and Hogan lab samples, they needed to be separated into different output files to avoid collisions in the snakemake DAG.


This snakefile relies on outputs from add_new_to_compendia.snakefile. It runs ADAGEpath to determine activated nodes (comprised of genes) in sputum or ex vivo samples compared to sets of controls (asm, m63, lb).

This snakefile produces the output folder adage, which contains data frames and plots from each adage comparison.


This snakefile relies on outputs from add_new_to_compendia.snakefile. This snakefile runs SOPHIE to identify differentially expressed genes that are unique to a given contrast. It produces the output folders:

  • sophie_training_compendia & sophie_template_experiments: formats files in the required input format for SOHPIE.
  • sophie: differentially expressed genes output by SOPHIE, ranked by distinctness to a given contrast. Note that the Z score is not a proper Z score, but will change depending on the parameters used to run SOPHIE. We kept these parameters consistent and matched them to the SOPHIE publication so that Z scores could be compared across contrasts.


Analysis of cystic fibrosis sputum RNA-seq samples for discovery of interesting gene expression pathways


Language:Jupyter Notebook 99.1%Language:R 0.9%