Source code for Tattle's website. Its hosted at
Other than reading our tweets, blog and mailing list, reading the commit history of this repo is a great way to know what we are upto.
The website is built using Gatsby.
Install all the relevant dependencies
npm install
To start the development server run
gatsby develop
A development server will be started at http://localhost:8000, the GraphQL structure will be deployed at http://localhost:8000/__graphql
To build a production ready version of the website. Run,
gatsby build
To make a change/ addition to the Updates section on the website, could be done by adding/ editing a markdown file (.mdx). The mark down files can be found in the udpates folder under src.
│ │ file1.mdx
│ │ file2.mdx
The .mdx files should look like this
date: YYYY-MM-DD
title: "Example Title"
excerpt: "A small demo of the .mdx file"
url: ""
tags: Demo, Example
- The format should be followed, else an error might occur
- It is important to add the "day" in the date.
- Currently, tags cannot be written as arrays.
Try to from the following list of tags
- bts (behind the scene), announcement
- Themes : responsible-ai, online-harms, civic-agency
- Topic : archives, misinformation, content-moderation, media-literacy, web-scraping
Gatsby, ReactJS, Github Actions
REsume hyphen case all tags limit the number of tags