tatonetti-lab / onsides

A resource of adverse drug effects extracted from FDA structured product labels

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A resource of adverse drug effects extracted from FDA structured product labels.

Release version 2.0.0

Second major release of the OnSIDES (ON label SIDE effectS resource) database of adverse reactions and boxed warnings extracted from the FDA structured product labels (SPLs). This version contains significant model improvements as well as updated labels. All labels available to download from DailyMed (https://dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/spl-resources-all-drug-labels.cfm) were processed in this analysis. In total 2.8 million adverse reactions were extracted from over 45,000 labels for just under 2,000 drugs (single agents or combinations).

OnSIDES was created using the PubMedBERT language model and 200 manually curated labels available from Denmer-Fushman et al.. The model achieves an F1 score of 0.90, AUROC of 0.92, and AUPR of 0.95 at extracting effects from the ADVERSE REACTIONS section of the label. This constitutes an absolute increase of 4% in each of the performance metrics over v1.0.0. For the BOXED WARNINGS section, the model achieves a F1 score of 0.71, AUROC of 0.85, and AUPR of 0.72. This constitutes an absolute increase of 10-17% in the performance metrics over v1.0.0. Compared against the TAC reference standard using the official evaluation script the model achieves a Micro-F1 score of 0.87 and a Macro-F1 of 0.85.

Table 1. Performance metrics evaluated against the TAC gold standard

Metric TAC (Best Model) SIDER 4.1 OnSIDES v1.0.0 OnSIDES v2.0.0
F1 Score 82.19 74.36 82.01 87.54
Precision 80.69 43.49 88.76 91.29
Recall 85.05 52.89 77.12 84.08

Roberts, Demner-Fushman, & Tonning, Overview of the TAC 2017


The latest database versions are available as a flat files in CSV format. Previous database versions can be accessed under Releases. A DDL (create_tables.sql) is provided to load the CSV files into a SQL schema.

June 2023 Data Release

onsides_v2.0.0_20230629.tar.gz 117MB (md5: 011056222b04f68fc4b31d7cdba1107d)

Previous data releases can be found under the releases link to the right. Updated versions of the database will be completed quarterly.

Description of Tables

Below is a brief description of the tables. See SCHEMA.md for column descriptions and src/build_onsides.py for more details.

adverse_reactions - Main table of adverse reactions. This table includes adverse reactions extracted from the ADVERSE REACTIONS section of the current active labels for each product and then grouped by ingredient(s). 125,054 rows.

adverse_reactions_all_labels - All extracted adverse reactions from the ADVERSE REACTIONS section of every available version of the label. As the database is updated in the future, ingredient will have multiple labels over its lifetime (revisions, generic alternatives, etc.). This table contains the results of extracting adverse reactions from every label available for download from DailyMed. 2,871,306 rows.

adverse_reactions_active_labels - All extracted adverse reactions from the ADVERSE REACTIONS section of active versions of the label. 2,782,288 rows.

boxed_warnings - Main table of boxed warnings. This table includes adverse reactions extracted from the BOXED WARNINGS section of the current active label for each drug product and then grouped by ingredient(s). 2,681 rows.

boxed_warnings_all_labels - All extracted adverse reactions from the BOXED WARNINGS section of all labels (including revisions, generics, etc). 40,587 rows.

boxed_warnings_active_labels - All extracted adverse reactions from the BOXED WARNINGS section of all labels (including revisions, generics, etc). 39,334 rows.

ingredients - Active ingredients for each of the parsed labels. If the label is for a drug with a single active compound then there will be only a single row for that label. If the label is for a combination of compounds then there will be multiple rows for that label. 176,431 rows.

dm_spl_zip_files_meta_data - Meta data provided by DailyMed that indicates which SPL version is the current for each drug product (set_id). 144,110 rows.

rxnorm_mappings - Mapping drug product set_ids to their RxNorm CUIs. 448,754 rows.

rxcui_setid_map - Map from SetID to RxNorm product ids. 143,634 rows.

rxnorm_product_to_ingredient - Map from RxNorm product ids to RxNorm ingredient ids. 245,160 rows.

Replication, Retraining, and Improving the Model

In this section we explain the steps and tools used to choose hyperparameters, train the model, and generate the database. If you'd like to skip the details you can check out the Quick Start subsection below which explains the minimal steps necessary to recreate OnSIDES from scratch.


In addition to the cloned repository, a data subdirectory is required that contains three pieces of data.

  1. A file that maps MedDRA preferred terms to lower level terms.
  2. The manual annotations from Denmer-Fushman, et al paper and TAC.
  3. The TAC SPL labels in XML format with the Adverse Reactions, Boxed Warnings, and Warnings and Precautions sections parsed.

For your convenience, there is an example data directory download available with the minimum requirements available for download.

Model training and evaluation is handled through the use of a helper script named experiment_tracker.py. There are several steps in the model training and evaluation pipeline and each has their own set of parameter options. The Experiment Tracker makes it straightforward to manage this process.

Quick Start

# Setup
wget https://github.com/tatonetti-lab/onsides/archive/refs/tags/v2.0.0.tar.gz
tar -xvzf v2.0.0.tar.gz
cd onsides-2.0.0
wget https://github.com/tatonetti-lab/onsides/releases/download/v2.0.0/data.zip
unzip data
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

# Train model for ADVERSE REACTIONS section
python3 src/experiment_tracker.py --id v2.0.0-AR | bash

# Train model for BOXED WARNINGS section
# BW section uses a model pre-trained on ALL sections which is built in Experiment 4B
python3 src/experiment_tracker.py --id 4B | bash
# Fine-tune the pre-trained model for BOXED WARNINGS
python3 src/experiment_tracker.py --id v2.0.0-BW | bash

# Download all available prescription Structured Product Labels (SPLs)
python3 src/spl_processor.py --full

# Apply model to downloaded labels to identify ADRs from ADVERSE REACTIONS sections
python3 src/deployment_tracker.py --release v2.0.0-AR | bash

# Apply model to downloaded labels to identify ADRs from BOXED WARNINGS sections
python3 src/deployment_tracker.py --release v2.0.0-BW | bash

# Build database files
python3 src/build_onsides.py --vocab ./data/omop/vocab_5.4 --release v2.0.0

Replication of hyperparameter optimization experiments

Model Training consists of four steps: i) constructing the training data (construct_training_data.py), ii) fitting the BERT model (fit_clinicalbert.py), iii) generating probabilities for the example sentence fragments (analyze_results.py), and iv) aggregating the probabilities across sentence fragments at the adverse event term level (compile_results.py). The Experiment Tracker (experiment_tracker.py) will keep track of this entire process and what commands need to be run to complete the experiment. Experiments are managed by editing the experiments entries in the experiments.json file. In each experiments entry, the parameters that are to be explored can be specified. Any parameters not specified are assumed to be the default values.

To track the status of the experiment run the script with the experiment identifier. For example:

python3 src/experiment_tracker.py --id 0

If any steps in the process of the experiment are incomplete, the script will print out a list of bash commands to the standard output that can be used to complete the experiment. For example you could run those commands with the following:

python3 src/experiment_tracker.py --id 0 | bash

If running on a GPU enabled machine, it may be beneficial to specify which GPU to use. The experiment tracker can automatically take care of this for you through the use of the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable. This is set with the --gpu flag. For example:

python3 src/experiment_tracker.py --id 0 --gpu 1

You can monitor the status of all experiments that using the --all flag.

python3 src/experiment_tracker.py --all

Training the Deployment Models for release

The experiments.json file can also be used to manage deployments. A deployment entry works the same as an experiment, except that only one set of parameters is used. We used the results of Experiments 1 through 10 to decide the deployment parameters. Each Experiment has a corresponding notebook in notebooks with an experiment description and an interpretation of the results.


Each experiment has a corresponding Jupyter notebook for evaluation (See notebooks subdirectory). The files and parameters necessary to run the notebook are saved in the analysis.json file. The analysis.json file is automatically generated by the experiment tracker once an experiment is complete and should not be edited directly. Each of these notebooks is essentially identical with the only difference being which experiment is being evaluated. Therefore, to add a notebook for a new experiment copy an existing notebook, rename it, and edit the experiment ID in the third code block. The notebook will print ROC and PR curves as well as a table of summary performance statistics.

Generating the OnSIDES Database

Once the model has been trained, generating the database is done in five steps: i) download and pre-process the structured product labels (spl_processor.py), ii) identify adverse reaction terms and construct feature sentence fragments (construct_application_data.py), iii) apply the model to score feature sentence fragments (predict.py), iv) compile the results into csv datafiles for each label section (create_onsides_datafiles.py), and v) integrate the results with standard vocabularies and build the csv files (build_onsides.py). All five steps are automated and managed through the Deployment Tracker (deployment_tracker.py).

See DATABASE.md for a step-by-step walkthrough.


The Onsides database is intended for research purposes only. The extraction process is far from perfect, side effects will be missed and some identified will be incorrect. Patients seeking health information should not trust these data and instead refer to the FDA's website (fda.gov) and consult their doctor.

The project is under active development. Validation of extracted information is yet to be independently verified and the data, methods, and statistics are subject to change at any time. Check back to this page for updates. If you would like to to contribute to the project or have ideas on how the methods, data, or evaluation can be improved please reach out to Dr. Tatonetti via email or Twitter.


A manuscript describing the data, methods, and results is in preparation. In the mean time, please reference the github repository. DOI


A resource of adverse drug effects extracted from FDA structured product labels

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 98.4%Language:Python 1.5%Language:Shell 0.1%