tasmidur / concept

Free Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Concept Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template

Concept is a responsive Bootstrap 4 admin template. It provides you with a collection of ready to use code snippets and utilities, custom pages, loads of charts, 4 different dashboard variations, a collection of applications and some useful widgets. Preview of this awesome admin template available here: https://colorlib.com/polygon/concept/index.html



Concept admin dashboard template preview

Demo Site: [Here]


Built With

  • Peity Charts
  • Sparklines
  • Scrollbar
  • TouchSpin
  • Data Table
  • JsTree
  • Skycons
  • Password Meter
  • PDF Viewer
  • Mapael
  • jvectormap
  • RangeSlider
  • Cropper
  • Data Map
  • CodeMirror
  • Chosen
  • C3 And D3
  • datetimepicker
  • x-editable
  • dropzonejs
  • form Validation
  • masked input
  • mockjax
  • lobibox
  • summernote
  • editable


V 1.0.0

Initial Release



More info


Concept is licensed under The MIT License (MIT). Which means that you can use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the final products. But you always need to state that Colorlib is the original author of this template.


Free Bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template


Language:HTML 95.7%Language:CSS 3.2%Language:JavaScript 1.1%