taskflow / taskflow

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WorkerInterface was removed in master

danielytics opened this issue · comments

The WorkerInterface class was removed from master when the exception handling logic was added, however, (the broken) exception handling wasn't the only purpose for WorkerInterface: I've been using tf::WorkerInterface::scheduler_prologue to set thread names for logging and affinity to pin threads to cores. It looks like I'm not the only person using WorkerInterface.

Please consider bringing it back (although obviously the exception parameter is not required in the epilogue function anymore).

@danielytics, would you mind submitting a PR to get this back? I was planning to introduce a more unified interface, but during the interim, we can recover it.

As long as there's a solution planned, I'm happy enough to keep using the latest version that has it. But I will submit a PR for it over the coming days 👍

That will be great! Thank you for the help.