taschetto / software-engineer-technical-challenge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



  1. Install yarn

    See https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install.

  2. Install turbo

    See https://turbo.build/repo/docs/installing. The npm method seems to be more consistent.

Alternatively, you can use a GitHub Codespace.

Open in GitHub Codespaces

Nice to Have

Postman, so you can use the collection to interact with the api.

Getting started

  1. Install project dependencies

  2. Create and seed the database

    turbo migrate

    If needed, you can recreate the database and re-seed by using:

    turbo migrate --force
  3. Start the development environment:

    turbo dev

Monorepo structure

This is a turbo monorepo. There are two packages on which will you be working on:

  • ./packages/api - a hapi HTTP server
  • ./packages/ui - a vite React SPA

Available commands

At any moment you can run turbo <COMMAND>. The available commands are:

  • dev: starts the development server
  • build: builds the project
  • type-check: checks the project types with TSC
  • lint: lints the project with ESLint
  • format-check: checks the code format with Prettier
  • format: formats the code with Prettier
  • migrate: creates and seeds the database

Another useful tool is Prisma Studio:

// run it from `packages/api`
npx prisma studio


  • you need to share your entire screen
  • you are allowed to ask as many questions as you'd like
  • you are allowed to use any resource you'd normally use during regular work such as Google, StackOverflow, AI, etc



Language:TypeScript 73.8%Language:JavaScript 21.8%Language:HTML 4.4%