tarvitz / face-check

a small and humble resource to share secrets among subscribers with reliable communication means

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

WellPlayedTV Face Check




This is simple project written on django and python-social-auth to check user if he/she was subscribed / followed streamer channel for some long time. Once user is verified he/she is available to see some secret information left by administration.

Such information could be connection data, passwords to connect for game sessions, or anything that administration would like to keep in secret and can not delegate to his public services.

The basic idea was to share connection passwords for Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War Soulstorm championship among followers, however there was no any good and reliable channel to communicate with followers/subscribers.


You would need:

Optional dependencies:


You have to get configured for your kubernetes cluster before:

To install application into kubernetes you would simply need to apply kubernetes resources that stored into k8s directory. However you have to configure:

  • k8s/configmap.yaml it's used for application configuration
  • k8s/secret.yaml (note this file is absent in repository you have to create your own and apply it. read details below)
  • k8s/deployment.yaml, you would probably like to change image registry as far as current image is store to the private one.


To pass secret configuration for application simply create secret.yaml file with following configuration:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
    app: face-check
  name: face-check
  namespace: face-check
  SOCIAL_AUTH_TWITCH_KEY: "<base64 encoded secret>"
  SOCIAL_AUTH_TWITCH_SECRET: "<base64 encoded secret>"
  SOCIAL_AUTH_GOODGAME_KEY: "<base64 encoded secret>"
  SOCIAL_AUTH_GOODGAME_SECRET: "<base64 encoded secret>"
  SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_KEY: "<base64 encoded secret>"
  SOCIAL_AUTH_GOOGLE_OAUTH2_SECRET: "<base64 encoded secret>"
  DATABASE_PASSWORD: "<base64 encoded secret>"

<base64 encoded secret> is a secret you have to encode in base64, for example if your database password is fooExample you need to encode it:

#$ echo -n fooExample | base64
Zm9vRXhhbXBsZQ==  # <-- this is your string you have to use


To build current version of application simple run ./hack/build.sh.


You will require winpty if you run it on Windows Msys (git for windows base environment)

Extra Dependencies

Passing --build-arg=PIP_EXTRA_DEPENDENCIES=extras will allow you to install extra project dependencies you won't probably need out of a box.

If you if you want to install with all extra dependencies

Here's supported list of dependencies:

  • all, enables all extra dependencies listed below.
  • raven, enables sentry logging


$ ./hack/build.sh --build-arg="PIP_EXTRA_DEPENDENCIES=raven"


This project includes bunch of unit and story (i.e integration or functional) test cases. They all placed separately from sources to minify extra actions application building. You can run it using django test runner:

#: change directory to sources root:
$ cd src/

#: run test cases
$ PYTHONPATH=. python face_check/manage.py test tests

The most sophisticated and useful test cases are stored into tests/story, they check if application business logic works properly. However complexity of its support and development is pretty high, so keep it in the mind in case if you'd like to change your pipelines.


a small and humble resource to share secrets among subscribers with reliable communication means



Language:Python 88.1%Language:HTML 9.7%Language:Dockerfile 1.9%Language:Shell 0.4%