tarunn2799 / SimCLR-CIFAR10

Pytorch SimCLR on CIFAR10 (92.85% test accuracy)

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SimCLR on CIFAR-10

This repo contains a Pytorch implementation of SimCLR and experimental results on CIFAR10. I try to keep the repo clean and minimal, and avoid over-engineering. All experiments could be run on only 1 single GPU (1080Ti).

We get 92.85% test acc with backbone resnet34 on CIFAR10, while the SimCLR paper reports ~93.5% with backbone resnet50.


  • pytorch >=1.2
  • torchvision >=0.4.0
  • hydra >=0.11.3
  • tqdm >=4.45.0

Install Hydra

Hydra is a python framework to manage the hyperparameters during training and evaluation. Install with:

pip install hydra-core --upgrade

Code Structure

models.py           # Define SimCLR model.
simclr.py           # Code to train simclr.
simclr_lin.py       # Linear Evaluation on frozen SimCLR representations.
simclr_config.yml   # Config File with all default hyperparameters in training.


Train SimCLR with resnet18 as backbone:

python simclr.py backbone=resnet18

Linear evaluation:

python simclr_lin.py backbone=resnet18

The default batch_size is 512. All the hyperparameters are available in simclr_config.yml, which could be overrided from the command line.

Experimental results

We could train SimCLR on one 1080Ti GPU (11G memory) with resnet18 and resnet34(not enough memory for resnet50).


Evaluation Batch Size Backbone Projection Dim Training Epochs Memory Training Time /Epoch Test Acc Test Acc in Paper
Linear Finetune 512 resnet18 128 1000 ~6.2G 38s 92.06% ~91%
Linear Finetune 512 resnet34 128 1000 ~9.7G 64s 92.85% -
Linear Finetune 512 resnet50 128 1000 - - - ~93.5%

Optimization setup

Optimization Initial LR Optimizer LR Adjustment Weight Decay Momentum Temperature
SimCLR Training 0.6 (0.3 * batch_size / 256) SGD Cosine Annealing (to min lr = 0.001) 1e-6 0.9 0.5
Linear Finetune 0.2 (0.1 * batch_size / 256) SGD Cosine Annealing (to min lr = 0.001) 0. 0.9 -

Difference of SimCLR training from original paper:

  • No LARS optimizer: LARS is designed for large batch training, but we use 512 here(not very large). In the original paper, LARS is used as a wrapper of the base SGD optimizer. We only keep the SGD optimzer and cosine annealing.
  • No warmup.


Pytorch SimCLR on CIFAR10 (92.85% test accuracy)


Language:Python 100.0%