tarocco / libremetaverse

An fork of the libopenmetaverse library striving for performance improvements and up-to-date compatibility with SL/OS/Halcyon

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LibreMetaverse is a fork of libOpenMetaverse which in turn was a fork of libSecondLife, a library for developing Second Life-compatible virtual world clients. LibreMetavrse returns the focus to up-to-date Second Life and OpenSim compatibility with an eye to performance and memory management.

The canonical source for LibreMetaverse can be found at: https://github.com/cinderblocks/libremetaverse and is officially mirrored at: https://bitbucket.org/cinderblocks/libremetaverse

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You may need to download and install the .NET Framework 4.7.1 Developer Pack for Windows developers here.


An fork of the libopenmetaverse library striving for performance improvements and up-to-date compatibility with SL/OS/Halcyon



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