tarmo888 / bbfm

Obyte for web merchant back office and public website

Home Page:https://obyte-for-merchants.com/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is the repo for the "Obyte for web merchant payment gateway" back office and public website.

Requires php 7+, Mysql 5+ and any web server (apache, nginx...)

Run composer install to install dependencies.

Run cp .env-example .env to copy configuration file.

Run nano .env to edit the configuration variables.

included files

bbfm_xfiles/bbfm_conf.php : configuration file

bbfm_xfiles/bbfm_function.php : common functions

bbfm_xfiles/mysqli_connect.php : connects to mysqli database and setup global $mysqli var

public website and api

bbfm_www: website

bbfm_www/api/ask_payment.php :

  • generates and registers new (pending) payment in bbfm database (ajax called by payment-button.js)
  • (ajax) tells to payment button (payment-button.js) current status of an existing payment

bbfm_www/api/payment-button.css : payment button css style sheet

bbfm_www/api/payment-button.js : payment button javascript (called from merchant payment page)

bbfm_www/api/icon/ : self-explanatory

bbfm_www/api/img/ : self-explanatory

scheduled tasks

cron/bbfm_payer.php : watches incoming transactions and send payment (or error notifications), minus fees, to merchant.

cron/Get_rates.php : fetches FIAT/Gbytes rates.

cron/update_ip.php : script to update allowed IPs on Woocommerce instnaces.

sql folder

Mysql schemas


Obyte for web merchant back office and public website



Language:JavaScript 63.2%Language:PHP 23.0%Language:CSS 7.9%Language:HTML 5.9%