tariqinfo304 / baileys-api

Simple RESTful WhatsApp API with Multiple Device Support.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Baileys API

An implementation of @adiwajshing/Baileys as a simple RESTful API service with multiple device support. This project implements both Legacy (Normal WhatsApp Web) and Beta Multi-Device client so that you can choose and use one of them easily.


  • NodeJS version 14.5.0 or higher.


  1. Download or clone this repo.
  2. Enter to the project directory.
  3. Install the dependencies.

.env Configurations

# Listening Host

# Listening Port

# Maximum Reconnect Attempts

# Reconnect Interval (in Milliseconds)


  1. You can start the app by executing npm run start or node ..
  2. Now the endpoint should be available according to your environment variable configurations. Default is at http://localhost:8000.

API Docs

The API documentation is available online here. You can also import the Postman Collection File (postman_collection.json) into your Postman App alternatively.

The server will respond in following JSON format:

    success: true|false, // bool
    message: "", // string
    data: {}|[] // object or array of object

Known Issue

  • Logging out from your phone manually when the session is still active will kill the entire app after a few minutes. As for now you should only destroy a session by using the delete session endpoint to avoid this issue. This issue only occurs for Beta Multi-Device users. This issue should be solved on Baileys version 4.1.0 (Tested).


  • The app only provide a very simple validation, you may want to implement your own.
  • There's no authentication, you may want to implement your own.
  • The Beta Multi-Device client use provided Baileys's makeInMemoryStore method which will store your data in memory and a json file, you may want to use a better data management.
  • Automatically reading incoming messages is now disabled by default. Uncomment whatsapp.js:91-105 to enable this behaviour.
  • If you have problems when deploying on CPanel or any other similar hosting, transpiling your code into CommonJS should fix the problems.


This project is intended for learning purpose only, don't use it for spamming or any activities that's prohibited by WhatsApp.


Simple RESTful WhatsApp API with Multiple Device Support.


Language:JavaScript 99.6%Language:Shell 0.4%