tarikki / ovos-dinkum-listener

ovos-listener based on the voice loop from mycroft-dinkum

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OpenVoiceOS Dinkum Listener

Dinkum Listener made standalone, the voice loop is now a much more responsive state machine

the usual configuration files are loaded, some new params are exposed under the "listener" section but not yet documented (check the code...)


pip install ovos-dinkum-listener[extras] to install this package and the default plugins. Note that by default, either tensorflow or tflite_runtime will need to be installed separately for wakeword detection.

If unable to install tflite_runtime in your platform, you can find wheels here https://whl.smartgic.io/. eg, for pyhon 3.11 in x86 pip install https://whl.smartgic.io/tflite_runtime-2.13.0-cp311-cp311-linux_x86_64.whl

Without extras, wakeword and STT audio upload will be disabled unless you install ovos-backend-client separately. You will also need to manually install, and possibly configure STT, WW, and VAD modules as described below.

Using ovos-vad-plugin-silero is strongly recommended instead of the default webrtcvad plugin


you can set the Wakeword, VAD, STT and Microphone plugins

eg, to run under MacOS you should use https://github.com/OpenVoiceOS/ovos-microphone-plugin-sounddevice

  "stt": {
    "module": "ovos-stt-plugin-server",
    "fallback_module": "",
    "ovos-stt-plugin-server": {"url": "https://stt.openvoiceos.com/stt"}
  "listener": {
    // NOTE, multiple hotwords are supported, these fields define the main wake_word,
    // this is equivalent to setting "active": true in the "hotwords" section
    // see "hotwords" section at https://github.com/OpenVoiceOS/ovos-config/blob/dev/ovos_config/mycroft.conf
    "wake_word": "hey_mycroft",
    "stand_up_word": "wake_up",
    "microphone": {
      "module": "ovos-microphone-plugin-alsa"
    VAD": {
     // recommended plugin: "ovos-vad-plugin-silero"
     "module": "ovos-vad-plugin-silero",
     "ovos-vad-plugin-silero": {"threshold": 0.2},
     "ovos-vad-plugin-webrtcvad": {"vad_mode": 3}
    // Seconds of speech before voice command has begun
    "speech_begin": 0.1,
    // Seconds of silence before a voice command has finished
    "silence_end": 0.5,
    // Settings used by microphone to set recording timeout with and without speech detected
    "recording_timeout": 10.0,
    // Settings used by microphone to set recording timeout without speech detected.
    "recording_timeout_with_silence": 3.0,
    // Setting to remove all silence/noise from start and end of recorded speech (only non-streaming)
    "remove_silence": true,
    // continuous listen is an experimental setting, it removes the need for
    // wake words and uses VAD only, a streaming STT is strongly recommended
    // NOTE: depending on hardware this may cause mycroft to hear its own TTS responses as questions
    "continuous_listen": false,

    // hybrid listen is an experimental setting,
    // it will not require a wake word for X seconds after a user interaction
    // this means you dont need to say "hey mycroft" for follow up questions
    "hybrid_listen": false,
    // number of seconds to wait for an interaction before requiring wake word again
    "listen_timeout": 45

mycroft-dinkum vs ovos-dinkum-listener

  • release 0.0.0 is the extracted dinkum listener, plugins are hardcoded options
  • release 0.0.1 adds OPM support
  • release 0.1.0 adds full feature parity with ovos-listener and has very little dinkum left

ovos exclusive features:

  • fallback STT
  • non-streaming STT support
  • compatible with all existing wake-word/STT plugins
  • continuous listening (no wakeword, VAD only)
  • hybrid listening (no wakeword for follow up commands)
  • multiple wakewords
    • assign a STT lang per wakeword (multilingual support)
  • hotword types (perform actions other than listen)
  • sleep mode (no stt -> no accidental activations)
  • recording mode (save speech to file instead of STT)
  • OPM bus api (query available plugins)
  • sample upload (DatasetApi ovos-backend-client)
  • XDG path standards for recorded audio data
  • neon-transformers support

How does it work

There are 3 modes to run dinkum, wakeword, hybrid, of continuous (VAD only)

Additionally here are 2 temporary modes that can be triggered via bus events / companion skills

Wake Word mode


Continuous mode


Hybrid mode


Sleep mode

Can be used via Naptime skill imagem

Recording mode

Can be used via Recording skill imagem


/home/miro/.venvs/ovos-core/bin/python /home/miro/PycharmProjects/mycroft-dinkum-listener/ovos_dinkum_listener/__main__.py 
2023-04-23 00:57:58.713 - OVOS - ovos_config.models:load_local:105 - DEBUG - Configuration /home/miro/PycharmProjects/ovos-core/mycroft/configuration/mycroft.conf loaded
2023-04-23 00:57:58.753 - OVOS - ovos_config.models:load_local:111 - DEBUG - Configuration '/etc/mycroft/mycroft.conf' not defined, skipping
2023-04-23 00:57:58.793 - OVOS - ovos_config.models:load_local:111 - DEBUG - Configuration '/home/miro/.config/mycroft/web_cache.json' not defined, skipping
2023-04-23 00:57:58.834 - OVOS - ovos_config.models:load_local:111 - DEBUG - Configuration '/home/miro/.config/mycroft/mycroft.conf' not defined, skipping
2023-04-23 00:57:58.872 - OVOS - ovos_config.models:load_local:111 - DEBUG - Configuration '/etc/xdg/mycroft/mycroft.conf' not defined, skipping
2023-04-23 00:57:58.919 - OVOS - ovos_config.models:load_local:111 - DEBUG - Configuration '/home/miro/.config/kdedefaults/mycroft/mycroft.conf' not defined, skipping
2023-04-23 00:57:58.968 - OVOS - ovos_config.models:load_local:111 - DEBUG - Configuration '/home/miro/.mycroft/mycroft.conf' not defined, skipping
2023-04-23 00:57:59.023 - OVOS - ovos_utils.configuration:get_xdg_config_save_path:141 - WARNING - configuration moved to the `ovos_config` package. This submodule will be removed in ovos_utils 0.1.0
2023-04-23 00:57:59.042 - OVOS - ovos_utils.configuration:get_xdg_base:76 - WARNING - configuration moved to the `ovos_config` package. This submodule will be removed in ovos_utils 0.1.0
2023-04-23 00:57:59.062 - OVOS - __main__:before_start:141 - INFO - Starting service...
2023-04-23 00:57:59.062 - OVOS - ovos_bus_client.conf:load_message_bus_config:19 - INFO - Loading message bus configs
2023-04-23 00:57:59.065 - OVOS - ovos_bus_client.client.client:on_open:85 - INFO - Connected
2023-04-23 00:57:59.066 - OVOS - ovos_bus_client.session:reset_default_session:171 - INFO - New Default Session Start: f1ec40cd-a5b5-40aa-ab6c-2a9d90a77d88
2023-04-23 00:57:59.066 - OVOS - __main__:_connect_to_bus:261 - INFO - Connected to Mycroft Core message bus
2023-04-23 00:57:59.070 - OVOS - ovos_dinkum_listener.voice_loop.microphone:_run:91 - DEBUG - Opening microphone (device=default, rate=16000, width=2, channels=1)
2023-04-23 00:57:59.159 - OVOS - ovos_dinkum_listener.voice_loop.hotwords:load_hotword_engines:64 - INFO - creating hotword engines
2023-04-23 00:57:59.160 - OVOS - ovos_plugin_manager.wakewords:load_module:110 - INFO - Loading "hey_mycroft" wake word via ovos-ww-plugin-precise-lite
2023-04-23 00:57:59.388057: I tensorflow/core/util/port.cc:110] oneDNN custom operations are on. You may see slightly different numerical results due to floating-point round-off errors from different computation orders. To turn them off, set the environment variable `TF_ENABLE_ONEDNN_OPTS=0`.
2023-04-23 00:57:59.410033: I tensorflow/tsl/cuda/cudart_stub.cc:28] Could not find cuda drivers on your machine, GPU will not be used.
2023-04-23 00:57:59.516648: I tensorflow/tsl/cuda/cudart_stub.cc:28] Could not find cuda drivers on your machine, GPU will not be used.
2023-04-23 00:57:59.517355: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:182] This TensorFlow binary is optimized to use available CPU instructions in performance-critical operations.
To enable the following instructions: AVX2 AVX512F AVX512_VNNI FMA, in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags.
2023-04-23 00:58:00.110092: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/py_utils.cc:38] TF-TRT Warning: Could not find TensorRT
2023-04-23 00:58:00.855 - OVOS - ovos_plugin_manager.wakewords:load_module:117 - INFO - Loaded the Wake Word plugin ovos-ww-plugin-precise-lite
2023-04-23 00:58:00.862 - OVOS - ovos_plugin_manager.wakewords:load_module:110 - INFO - Loading "wake_up" wake word via ovos-ww-plugin-pocketsphinx
2023-04-23 00:58:00.870 - OVOS - ovos_plugin_manager.wakewords:load_module:117 - INFO - Loaded the Wake Word plugin ovos-ww-plugin-pocketsphinx
INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK delegate for CPU.
2023-04-23 00:58:00.934 - OVOS - ovos_dinkum_listener.plugins:load_stt_module:61 - DEBUG - Using FakeStreamingSTT wrapper
2023-04-23 00:58:27.211 - OVOS - __main__:_record_begin:283 - DEBUG - Record begin
2023-04-23 00:58:29.892 - OVOS - ovos_dinkum_listener.voice_loop.voice_loop:_after_cmd:431 - DEBUG - transformers metadata: {'client_name': 'ovos_dinkum_listener', 'source': 'audio', 'destination': ['skills']}
2023-04-23 00:58:30.089 - OVOS - __main__:_stt_text:408 - DEBUG - Record end
2023-04-23 00:58:30.091 - OVOS - __main__:_stt_text:420 - DEBUG - STT: thank you


Voice Loop state machine implementation by @Synesthesiam for mycroft-dinkum


ovos-listener based on the voice loop from mycroft-dinkum


Language:Python 100.0%