tarigancana / SMSegmentView

Custom segmentedControl for iOS written in Swift. Supports vertical layout. Support both image and text. Highly customisable.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SMSegmentView Description

  • Custom segmented control for iOS 7 and above.
  • Written in Swift.
  • Support both images and text.
  • Support vertically organise segments
  • More customisible than UISegmentedControl and easier to expand with new style.

For CocoaPods User

Add pod 'SMSegmentView', '~> 1.1' to Podfile.

Notice: It seems when using Swift, CocoaPods won't accept frameworks target below iOS 8. So if you would like to support iOS 7, you might have to add this framework manually.

How To Use

Step 1

Drag SMSegmentView.swift and SMSegment.swift into your Xcode project.

Step 2

Initialise SMSegmentView: You can simply use SMSegmentView(frame:) to initialise your segment view by using the default properties. But mostly, you may want to use SMSegmentView(frame:, dividerColour:, dividerWidth:, segmentAppearance:) to make it look more customised. The parameter segmentAppearance: reads a SMSegmentAppearance instance. You can find what attributes it supports in SMSegmentAppearance class.


let appearance = SMSegmentAppearance()
appearance.segmentOnSelectionColour = UIColor(red: 245.0/255.0, green: 174.0/255.0, blue: 63.0/255.0, alpha: 1.0)
appearance.segmentOffSelectionColour = UIColor.whiteColor()
appearance.titleOnSelectionFont = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(12.0)
appearance.titleOffSelectionFont = UIFont.systemFontOfSize(12.0)
appearance.contentVerticalMargin = 10.0

let segmentView = SMSegmentView(frame: SomeFrame, dividerColour: UIColor(white: 0.95, alpha: 0.3), dividerWidth: 1.0, segmentAppearance: appearance)

Step 3

Add action for UIControlEvents.ValueChanged, and implement the action method.

E.g. segmentView.addTarget(self, action: #selector(YourViewController.selectSegmentInSegmentView(_:)), forControlEvents: .ValueChanged)

Step 4

Add segments to your segment view.


segmentView.addSegmentWithTitle("Segment 1", onSelectionImage: UIImage(named: "target_light"), offSelectionImage: UIImage(named: "target"))
segmentView.addSegmentWithTitle("Segment 2", onSelectionImage: UIImage(named: "handbag_light"), offSelectionImage: UIImage(named: "handbag"))
segmentView.addSegmentWithTitle("Segment 3", onSelectionImage: UIImage(named: "globe_light"), offSelectionImage: UIImage(named: "globe"))

Optional Step

You can programmatically select/deselect a segment by assign an integer to selectedSegmentIndex.

Support Vertical Mode

You can organise all segments vertically by setting the organiseMode as .Vertical. It is set to .Horizontal by default.

E.g. segmentView.organiseMode = .Vertical

More Info

The framework comes with a sample project for you. Besides, this tutorial may give you some idea how to expand this framework a little bit.



Custom segmentedControl for iOS written in Swift. Supports vertical layout. Support both image and text. Highly customisable.

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 94.2%Language:Ruby 3.7%Language:Objective-C 2.1%