React Native App for the mining of ice coins
- src: Main container of all the code inside the application
- api: Methods to communicate with the backend
- assets: Assets folder to store all the images, icons, fonts, etc
- components: Folder to store common components that are used throughout the app (such as Button, Switch, Avatar etc)
- hooks: Common hooks
- navigation: App navigation components. Those are stacks, tabs and so on
- screens: Screen components. Each screen contains `index.tsx` with the main screen markdown plus optional `components` `assets` `hooks` subfolders with the corresponding content
- services: Abstraction layer over some common services (e.g. keychain, analytics, logging and so on)
- store: Redux configuration files (store, middlewares etc) and business logic modules. Each module might consist of selectors, actions, sagas, reducers and hooks
- translations: Everything related to the app l10n
- utils: Reusable functions which are helpful for accomplishing routine tasks
- App.tsx: Main component that starts the whole app
- ios android: Folders, containing native iOS and Android projects and everything related
- index.js: Entry point of the application as per React-Native standards
Follow the steps to setup the environment
Install dependencies
yarn install ## Optional: for iOS only npx pod-install
Set the App environment
yarn configure:staging ## or yarn configure:production
[!NOTE] The commands above take the app env files from the mobile-app-secrets folder that should be downloaded beforehand and placed on the same level as the mobile-app project
Run the App
yarn run:android ## or yarn run:ios
We’re keeping translations in src/translations/locales/**.json
The translation types are generated with yarn generate-translation-types
script (should be applied after any locale modification).
The types are generated based on en.json
- that is the main locale and the fallback for other locales.
Download the App at