tarcisio-marinho / Music-Generation

Piano music generation with RNN with Tensorflow

Repository from Github https://github.comtarcisio-marinho/Music-GenerationRepository from Github https://github.comtarcisio-marinho/Music-Generation

Piano Music Generation with RNN with tensorflow

You can generate new piano music based with your prefered artists.

Pass as argument the path with the .mid files to the main.

If none argument is passed, it will use the EDEN playlist.

python main.py -d <path>

You can also pass the name of the file, if not specified, it will be "output"

python main.py -o output_file

It will generate the output as .mp3 so you can listen to it!

If the quality of the output isn't that good, you can feed the program with more music.


sudo apt-get install timidity

sudo apt-get install ffmpeg

sudo pip install python-midi numpy msgpack tqdm tensorflow

sudo pip install msgpack


usage: main.py [-h] [-d] [-o]

Generate Piano music.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -d , --directory   the music to be trained should be inside this dir, if not
                     specified, EDEN-midi will be the input
  -o , --output      Output music as an .mp3 file, if not specified, will be


Piano music generation with RNN with Tensorflow

License:GNU General Public License v2.0


Language:Python 100.0%