taras-budzyn / frontendTeach

Basic info for learn HTML, CSS and Javascript from scratch with practice tasks

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Materials to learn frontend from scratch

At this repo we will try to collect there useful links and practice work (to consolidate the course materials).

Main plan

  1. HTML basics
  1. HTML most used elements and HTML attributes
  • Theory
    1. Basic/custom/data attributes of elements
    2. Found and read the basic info about most used elements
    3. h1..h6 heading elements
    4. Section Divisions (div, p, br)
    5. Images
    6. Links
    7. Lists (ul, li)
  • Practice work
    1. HTML basics elements
  1. HTML tables and HTML interactive elements
  1. CSS basics
  1. CSS text formatting
  1. CSS blocks formatting
  1. HTML/CSS layout
  1. CSS media query
  • Theory
  • Practice work
  1. CSS animations
  • Theory
  • Practice work


Basic info for learn HTML, CSS and Javascript from scratch with practice tasks