tarantool / graphql.0

Set of adapters for GraphQL query language to the Tarantool data model

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Set of adapters for GraphQL query language to the Tarantool data model. Based on graphql-lua.

API documentation.

Deprecation note

This was the experimental project and we don't more develop it further. It is highly recommended to avoid of using it in any projects. Consider tarantool/graphql instead.

There are known flaws in this implementation:

  • Order of objects depends on what index is choosen, but there is no way from a query to explicitly control which index should be used.
  • A query may be performed using a secondary index, while pagination (offset argument) uses offsets by a primary index.
  • Tuples from tarantool/shard are wrongly merged using an order of a primary index (it fails, because expects the same order from each storage). See #40.
  • Breadth first search (BFS) executor does not implement block nested loop algorithm. It just performs breadth first traversal, batch similar fetches and performs some caching (in Lua memory). This allows to better utilize a network for some cases (see test/bench directory), but may run an application out of Lua memory in other cases. Aside of that its code is weird spaghetti. And it seems that it would be better if will be implemented as a generator, optimizer and interpreter of an intermediate query language.
  • No authentification support.
  • Mutations are not transactional (and there is no simple way to make them transactional on a sharding cluster).
  • The module is heavily based on avro-schema format, while it differs in details as from tarantool's space format as well as graphql type system.
  • A generated GraphQL schema follows our avro-schema module way to handle unions, which is somewhat weird (but follows a letter of the standard). See avro-schema#92.
  • No support for indexed search by PCRE and c-style expressions.
  • No support for vshard.
  • No documentation.

However there are interesting features we implemented here:

  • Better arguments and variables validation (comparing to original graphql-lua).
  • New non-standard GraphQL types: Map, InputUnion and InputMap. They all are Scalars from GraphQL perspective.
  • Build-in tarantool/shard support (which is deprecated now, but anyway).
  • Some kind of optimization of nested queries on sharding cluster.
  • PCRE and c-style expressions support for filtering objects.
  • Constant propagation optimization for those c-style expressions.
  • Automatic generation of a database schema from space formats.
  • Generate an avro-schema that describes any possible result of a GraphQL query.
  • Automatic choosing of an index based on provided arguments (not always optimal, however).
  • Built-in GraphiQL support.
  • Support of different types of relations between spaces: 1:1, 1:N or even so called multi-head (when a target space is determined depending of an object field values).


  • For use:
    • tarantool,
    • lulpeg,
    • >=tarantool/avro-schema-3.0.1,
    • >=tarantool/shard-1.1-91-gfa88bf8 (but < 2.0) or >=tarantool/shard-2.1-0-g0a7d98f (optional),
    • lrexlib-pcre2 or lrexlib-pcre (optional),
    • tarantool/http (optional, for GraphiQL).
  • For test (additionally to 'for use'):
    • python 2.7,
    • virtualenv,
    • luacheck,
    • >=tarantool/avro-schema-3.0.1,
    • >=tarantool/shard-1.1-92-gec1a27e (but < 2.0) or >=tarantool/shard-2.1-0-g0a7d98f,
    • lrexlib-pcre2 or lrexlib-pcre,
    • tarantool/http.
  • For building apidoc (additionally to 'for use'):
    • ldoc.


There are two ways to use the lib.

  1. Use a default instance that generates a schema from local spaces (ones that have defined format):
local graphql = require('graphql')

local query = [[
    query user($user_id: String) {
        user_collection(user_id: $user_id) {
local compiled_query = graphql.compile(query)

local variables = {user_id = 'user_id_1'}
local result = compiled_query:execute(variables)
  1. Create an instance with a database schema in avro-schema format (see a schema for emails collection for example):
local graphql = require('graphql').new({
    schemas = schemas,
    collections = collections,
    accessor = accessor,
    service_fields = service_fields,
    indexes = indexes

local query = [[
    query user($user_id: String) {
        user_collection(user_id: $user_id) {
local compiled_query = graphql:compile(query)

local variables = {user_id = 'user_id_1'}
local result = compiled_query:execute(variables)


local graphql = require('graphql').new({
    schemas = schemas,
    collections = collections,
    accessor = accessor,
    service_fields = service_fields,
    indexes = indexes

-- now you can use GraphiQL interface at

-- as well you may do (with creating default instance underhood)


The library can be configured to fetch tuples using tarantool/shard module: graphql.new(..., accessor = 'shard'). The shard module should be configured separately.

require('graphql.storage').init() should be called on each storage server to use graphql with shard and BFS executor. Alternatively this executor can be disabled with graphql.new({..., use_bfs_executor = 'never'}) on a frontend server.

The library has no built-in support of vshard module. Use graphql.new(..., accessor = 'shard', accessor_funcs = {<...>}) to adopt it if necessary.


Mutations with space accessor

TBD: Describe which changes are transactional and which views are guaranteed to be consistent.

Mutations with shard accessor

Mutations are disabled in the resharding state of a shard cluster.

There are three types of modifications: insert, update and delete. Several modifications are allowed in one GraphQL request, but they will be processed in non-transactional way.

In the case of shard accessor the following constraints can guarantee that data will be changed in atomic way or, in other words, in one shard request (but foregoing and upcoming selects can see other data):

  • One insert / update / delete argument over the entire GraphQL request.
  • For update / delete: either the argument is for 1:1 connection or limit: 1 is used for a collection (a upmost field) or 1:N connection (a nested field).
  • No update of a first field of a tuple (shard key is calculated by it). It is the first field of upmost record in the schema for a collection in case when there are no service fields. If there are service fields, the first field of a tuple cannot be changed by a mutation GraphQL request.

Data can be changed between shard requests which are part of one GraphQL request, so the result can observe inconsistent state. We'll don't show all possible cases, but give an idea what going on in the following paragraph.

Filters are applied for an object(s) (several requests in case of filters by connections, one request otherwise), then each object updated/deleted by its primary key (one request per object), then all connected objects are resolved in the same way.


Example with an object passed from a variable:

mutation insert_user_and_order($user: user_collection_insert,
        $order: order_collection_insert) {
    user_collection(insert: $user) {
    order_collection(insert: $order) {

Example with immediate argument for an object:

mutation insert_user_and_order {
    user_collection(insert: {
        user_id: "user_id_new_1"
        first_name: "Peter"
        last_name: "Petrov"
    }) {
    order_collection(insert: {
        order_id: "order_id_new_1"
        user_id: "user_id_new_1"
        description: "Peter's order"
        price: 0.0
        discount: 0.0
        # in_stock: true should be set as default value
    }) {

Consider the following details:

  • ${collection_name}_insert is the name of the type whose value intended to pass to the insert argument. This type / argument requires a user to set all fields of an inserting object.
  • Inserting cannot be used on connection fields, it is allowed only for top-level fields (named as well as collections).
  • It is forbidden to use insert argument with any other argument.
  • A mutation with an insert argument always return the object that was just inserted.
  • Of course insert argument is forbidden in query requests.


Example with an update statement passed from a variable. Note that here we update an object given by a connection (inside one of nested fields of a request):

mutation update_user_and_order(
    $user_id: String
    $order_id: String
    $xuser: user_collection_update
    $xorder: order_collection_update
) {
    # update nested user
    order_collection(order_id: $order_id) {
        user_connection(update: $xuser) {
    # update nested order (only the first, because of limit)
    user_collection(user_id: $user_id) {
        order_connection(limit: 1, update: $xorder) {

Example with immediate argument for an update statement:

mutation update_user_and_order {
    user_collection(user_id: "user_id_1", update: {
        first_name: "Peter"
        last_name: "Petrov"
    }) {
    order_collection(order_id: "order_id_1", update: {
        description: "Peter's order"
        price: 0.0
        discount: 0.0
        in_stock: false
    }) {

Consider the following details:

  • ${collection_name}_update is the name of the type whose value intended to pass to the update argument. This type / argument requires a user to set subset of fields of an updating object except primary key parts.
  • A mutation with an update argument always return the updated object.
  • The update argument is forbidden with insert or delete arguments.
  • The update argument is forbidden in query requests.
  • Objects are selected by filters first, then updated using a statement in the update argument, then connected objects are selected.
  • The limit and offset arguments applied before update, so a user can use limit: 1 to update only first match.
  • Objects are traversed in pre-order depth-first way, object's fields are traversed in an order as they are written in a mutation request. So an update argument potentially changes those fields that are follows the updated object in this order.
  • Filters by connected objects are performed before update. Resulting connected objects given after the update (it is matter when a field(s) of the parent objects by whose the connection is made is subject to change).



mutation delete_user_and_order(
    $user_id: String,
    $order_id: String,
) {
    user_collection(user_id: $user_id, delete: true) {
    order_collection(order_id: $order_id, delete: true) {

Consider the following details:

  • There are no special type name for a delete argument, it is just Boolean.
  • A mutation with a delete: true argument always return the deleted object.
  • The delete argument is forbidden with insert or update arguments.
  • The delete argument is forbidden in query requests.
  • The same fields traversal order and 'select -> change -> select connected' order of operations for one field are applied likewise for the update argument.
  • The limit argument can be used to define how many objects are subject to deletion and offset can help with adjusting start point of multi-object delete operation.

Run tests

git clone https://github.com/tarantool/graphql.git
git submodule update --recursive --init
make test

To run specific test:

TEST_RUN_TESTS=common/mutation make test


Enable debug log:


Multi-head connections

A parent object is matching against a multi-head connection variants in the order of the variants. The parent object should match with a determinant of at least one variant except the following case. When source fields of all variants are null the multi-head connection obligated to give null object as the result. In this case the parent object is allowed to don’t match any variant. One can use this feature to avoid to set any specific determinant value when a multi-head connection is known to have no connected object.

Notes on types

User should distinguish between Object and Map types. Both of them consists of keys and values but there are some important differences.

While Object is a GraphQL built-in type, Map is a scalar-based type. In case of Object-based type all key-value pairs are set during type definition and values may have different types (as defined in the schema).

In contrast, set of valid Map keys is not defined in the schema, any key-value pair is valid despite name of the key while value has schema-determined type (which is the same among all values in the map).

Map-based types should be queried as a scalar type, not as an object type (because map's keys are not part of the schema).

The following example works:


The following example doesn't work:

    map_based_type {


Consider LICENSE file for details. In brief:

  • graphql/core: MIT (c) 2015 Bjorn Swenson
  • graphql/server/graphiql: Facebook dev tools & examples license (allows use, copy and distribute) (c) 2015, Facebook, Inc (more: 1)
  • all other content: BSD 2-clause (c) 2018 Tarantool AUTHORS


Set of adapters for GraphQL query language to the Tarantool data model



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