Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

  1. add the schema to the Aritcle model $ php artisan make:model Article -m

  2. add the fillable column to the Article Column

  3. adding the ArticleSeeder $ php artisan make:seeder ArticlesTableSeeder

  4. adding the UserTableSeeder $ php artisan make:seeder UserTableSeeder in the file add the user namaspace "use \App\User"

  5. add the two seeder reference to the main DatabaseSeeder.php file we call the two class from the DatabaseSeeder

  6. call the Seeder with the command $php artisan db:seed

  7. create the controller $ php artisan make:controller ArticleController and add the Article model namespace use App\Article

  8. add the CRUD api method in the class

  9. for the error we get a html response with the render function.So we change the ender function to get the json response in the "app/Exception/Handler.php"

  10. we extend the user database and add another migration and add the api_token

    $ php artisan make:migration --table=users adds_api_token_to_users_table

    add the column api_token column refresh the whole database $ php artisan migrate:refresh --seed

  11. make a register endpoint and we dont use any controller we use the Auth/RegisterController.php and we add a function name "registered()"

    there is a class name "RegisterUsers" in the RegisterController use. this class call the a empty function registed() for further so if we add the registed() function inside the register controller we do not need to call the function registration function will automatically call it after the successfull registration search Registercontroller in the file

    this registered() function take two parameter


  12. we call a function called generatetoken that will be called from the model Article class so we need to write the method there to create a random token we need to import the namaspace "Illuminate\Support\Str"

    and we use the Str::random(60)

    for creating random string for ceating token

  13. the register endpoint will redirect the data to the "RegisterController@register" if it is successfull then it will call the custom registred function automatically

when we post json in the register we threre will four field like {"name": "John", "email": "john.doe@toptal.com", "password": "toptal123", "password_confirmation": "toptal123"}'

after posting this if everything goes well yoi will get a token

  1. as like the for registration we change default RegisterController

for login we change the loginController

actually not the LoginController

Logincontroller import a class name "AuthenticateUsers" which is AuthenticateUsers.php

we change the login method and return a json

to find in VSCODE just type ctrl+p and then AuthenticateUsers

  1. Create the login end point

  2. the end point take the json which has tow field {"email": "admin@home.com", "password": "password" }

it will give you a token after posting data

and you can use it as a bearer token and use it for login with any frontend framework

17)Create a logout endpoint when this endpoint hit we replace its api_token with null again and save it and send a json response so the token cant be used

  1. we make another function in the LoginController if you want you can make seperate controller we dont do that here

  2. we made the user login and register and the article api both

  3. now we apply only the loggen in user can see this article get post put and delete

    we basically do that with middleware we add middleware directly in the route

    int "api.php"

    but you can make this middleware with command line

    middleware means to access the the resource you need to pass the route

    luckly this is actually implemented when the laravel project is initialized in the beginning

    we add the middlw ware to the five Route

  4. if any thing wrong happen it may send you the html again for auth so we need to add a unauthenticate function this is future task

thats it




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