tangyang / simple-http-server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

a simple http server for tantan app

This is a simple restful http server for simplified tantan backend, which provide the features below:

  • add a new user
  • get all users
  • establish a new relationship with another person
  • get all existed relationship for a specified user

Table of contents



go get github.com/tangyang/simple-http-server

We assume that you have a PostgreSQL database server already, otherwise you can install a PostgreSQL server locally following the steps below.

mv Dockerfile.postgresql Dockerfile
docker build --rm=true -t mypostgresql:9.4 .
docker run -i -t  -d -p 5432:5432 mypostgresql:9.4


simple-http-server -init //create database schema when you start the server the first time

simple-http-server // start the server

We also provide a few configuration parameters which are supposed to be in a config.toml file in the same directory of simple-http-server. Here is an example of these configuration parameters:

http-port="8001"   //http server port
pg-address = ""  //PostgreSQL database address
pg-username = "pger"      //PostgreSQL database user name
pg-password = "pger"      //PostgreSQL database password
pg-db-name = "pgerdb"     //database name
pg-poolsize = 50          //database connection pool size
pg-readtimeout = 3        //read timeout in seconds for PostgreSQL
pg-writetimeout = 4       //write timeout in seconds for PostgreSQL
pg-idletimeout = 5        //the amount of time in seconds after which client closes idle db connections


add a new user

curl -XPOST -d '{"name":"Alice1"}' "http://localhost:8000/users"

get all users

curl -XGET "http://localhost:8000/users"


establish a new relationship

curl -XPUT -d '{"state":"liked"}' "http://localhost:8000/users/12/relationships/10"


get all relationships of a user

curl -XGET "http://localhost:8000/users/10/relationships"




Language:Go 100.0%