tanelj / skinhead

Simple templating engine using HTML5 standards

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Shortcomings of most current template engines (e.g. Liquid, Smarty):

  • Authors must learn yet another syntax
  • Needs custom parser to parse template code and therefore do not produce correct HTML output when viewed in browser as static files.

Design goals of this engine:

  • Templates are pure and valid HTML5 files
  • Template specific control flow is declared with element classes and "data-" attributes
  • Can be written and tested 100% using normal static HTML authoring tools (Dreamweaver, Notepad etc)
  • Does not need any parsers or renderers to see end-result in browser during template authoring
  • To render templates on server-side, existing html parsing and dom-manipulating components can be used
  • Template syntax has minimal footprint and is intuitive, does not need cheatsheet at hand to code


<!doctype html>
  <title data-tpl-content="page.title"></title>
  <nav data-tpl-for="menuitems">
    <a href="" data-tpl-attrs="{href: menuitem.href}" data-tpl-content="menuitem.title">Foo</a>
    <a href="" data-tpl-remove="true">Bar</a>
    <a href="" data-tpl-remove="true">Baz</a>
  <div id="main" data-tpl-content="page.body">
    Body example that will be replaced with "page.body" assigned variable contents when rendering.
  <div class="template-comment" data-tpl-remove="true">
    This is Template comment that will be removed during rendering thanks to its data-tpl-remove

Control flow functions


<div data-tpl-if="page.published">
  This div element will be shown only if page.published evaluates to true

<div data-tpl-contents-if="page.published">
  The contents of this div element will be shown only if page.published evaluates to true

Evaluations would suck just a little bit

<div data-tpl-if="3 == 3">True</div>
# => <div>True</div>

<div data-tpl-if="2 < 3">True</div>
# => <div>True</div>

<div data-tpl-if="2 > 3">False</div>
# => <div>False</div>

<div data-tpl-if="true || false">Dunno</div>
# => <div>Dunno</div>

Think of more complex equations like "page.published or page.published > Date.today"



things = ['Foo', 'Bar', 'Baz']

Template to render them in LI elements:

<ul data-tpl-for="things">
  <li data-tpl-content="thing"></li>

# => <ul><li>Foo</li><li>Bar</li><li>Baz</li></ul>

When variable assigned to for cycle is an array and named in plural form, it will automatically make variable available inside for scope with that name in singular form.




<div data-tpl-include="other.html"></div>

File other.html could be included over AJAX with javascript (and evaluated, if necessary).


Works the same way as if, only negates the evaluation


Assign "page.title" to variable "myvariable".

<div data-tpl-assign-var="myvariable" data-tpl-assign-value="page.title"></div>

"data-tpl-remove" attribute can be used to remove current div tag (and all it's descendants) from rendering.


<div data-tpl-capture="tovariable">
  Whatever evaluates out from this element, it will be stored in variable named "tovariable"

<!-- do some stuff and release capture in next element: -->

<div data-tpl-content="tovariable"></div>

Again, "data-tpl-remove" tag could do some clean-up.


Use normal HTML comments. OR:

<div data-tpl-remove="true">
  This is a comment too.


data-filter-attribute can be used


<div data-tpl-filter-truncate="15">This text is longer than 15 characters</div>
# => <div>This text is...</div>


<div data-tpl-filter-find="Foo" data-tpl-filter-replace="Bar">Foo Bar</div>
# => <div>Bar bar</div>

"data-tpl-filter-ireplace" could be case-insensitive replace filter.

These are just examples of filters, more of them could be developed easily.


The example above can be easily rendered to full page even with javascript. Consider adding this script to the end of page:

<script src="http://myhost.com/fantastic.template.renderer.js" />
  var data = {
    menuitems = [
      {title: 'Home page', href: '/'},
      {title: 'Blog', href: '/blog'},
      {title: 'Contacts', href: '/contacts'}
    page = {
      title: 'Awesome page',
      body: 'Page body'

Then this html file renders as

<!doctype html>
  <title>Awesome page</title>
    <a href="/">Home page</a>
    <a href="/blog">Blog</a>
    <a href="/contacts">Contacts</a>
  <div id="main">Page body</div>

Unresolved questions and shortcomings

Render attribute only under certain conditions:

<a href=""
  data-tpl-attr-class-val-if="published">Page link</a>
# => <div class="published"></div>

Render part of attribute onlu under certain conditions:

<a href="" class="menuitem"
  data-tpl-attr-append-class-val-if="published">Page link</a>
# => <a href="" class="menuitem published">Page link</a>


Simple templating engine using HTML5 standards