tanduong / tic-tac-toe

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tic Tac Toe game

It has a board of 9 cells. And there are 2 players. Each player take turn to play. Who placed in 3 cells in a row, a collumn or a diagonal first win the game. If there is no more emplty cell and no winner yet, the game is draw.

If the the game has finished, prompt the user to play again.

Assume 2 players share the same computer.

[x] US 1: As a player, I start the game. (see the empty board rendered)

[x] US 2: As a player, I can play a move in my turn. And when I finished placing a move, the turn change to the other player. [x] US 3: As a player, I will know if the game is finished (there is a winner or it is a draw) If there is a winner, I should see a congration message. If the game is draw, I also see message. US 4: As a player, I will be promt to play a new game if the game is finished.



Language:JavaScript 78.2%Language:CSS 13.0%Language:HTML 8.8%