tanaylab / EmbExe

EXE development paper analysis code

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Synchronization of Placenta and Embryonic Development Underlies Mouse Gastrulation

This repository is the accompanying code for our paper on the development of extraembryonic ectoderm and embryonic tissues during mouse gastrulation. There is an MCView shiny app where you can interrogate the data. The code is splitted into jupyter notebooks that can be found in the notebook folder.

Running the notebooks

Prior to any analysis, after cloning the repository, please download first the necessary data by running (in the root directory of the cloned repository):

R -e "source('scripts/download_data.R'); download_full_data()"

This will download all the necessary data including processed metacell objects necessary for generating the figures. The subfolder data/umi.tables contains all the UMI matrices of the scRNA-seq data used in the paper.

Necessary R packages

The initialization script (scripts/init.R) loads automatically the necessary R packages to run the notebooks. The analysis was done using R 4.0.5 and the following packages:

  • devtools_2.4.2
  • usethis_2.0.1
  • here_1.0.1
  • slanter_0.2-0
  • DoubletFinder_2.0.3
  • SeuratObject_4.0.2
  • Seurat_4.0.3
  • forcats_0.5.1
  • stringr_1.4.0
  • dplyr_1.0.9
  • purrr_0.3.4
  • readr_2.1.0
  • tidyr_1.2.0
  • tibble_3.1.3
  • ggplot2_3.3.5
  • tidyverse_1.3.1
  • umap_0.2.7.0
  • tgutil_0.1.13
  • tgstat_2.3.17
  • metacell_0.3.7
  • Matrix_1.3-4
  • data.table_1.14.2
  • qvalue_2.22.0
  • princurve_2.1.6
  • RColorBrewer_1.1-2
  • tglkmeans_0.3.4
  • zoo_1.8-9
  • ggrepel_0.9.1

Notebook order

For every Figure there is a corresponding notebook that generates the plots shown in the figure. By running the notebooks below in the specified order, one can reproduce the whole analysis of the paper starting from the scRNA-seq UMI matrices.

Analysis of wildtype ExE and embryonic manifold

For reproducing the analysis of the wildtype ExE and embryonic manifold you should run the following notebooks in that order.

  1. import_mars
  2. embexe_find_bad_genes
  3. embexe metacell construction
  4. embryo_temporal_ordering
  5. embexe_interpolate_time
  6. mc2d_projection_embexe
  7. split_embexe_into_emb_and_exe
  8. emb.estimation_of_proliferation_rates
  9. emb_generate_network
  10. mc2d_projection_emb
  11. mc2d_projection_exe

Analysis of EXE-specific Elf5 KO embryos

  1. import_elf5
  2. elf5_processing_summary

Analysis of ex utero cultured embryos

  1. import_10x_exutero
  2. exutero_doublet_removal
  3. exutero_f_find_bad_genes
  4. exutero_f_generate_metacell
  5. mc2d_projection_exutero_f
  6. wt_atlas_projection_of_exutero_embryos
  7. atlas_self_projection_of_wt_cells


EXE development paper analysis code


Language:Jupyter Notebook 99.8%Language:R 0.2%