tanakrid / PersonalFinanctialMonitoring

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Personal Financial Monitor

The Restful-API for planning and monitoring personal financial. This project is designed for working with mobile application.

Setup Project

  • Setup Virtual Environment

    1. initiate virtual environment with command

    $ mkdir personalFinanceMonitor
    $ cd personalFinanceMonitor
    $ python -m venv env

    2. run this command for activate virtual environment

    $ env\Scripts\activate
    when activate we will see
    (env) $ D:\personalFinanceMonitor>
    if you want to deactivate
    $ deactivate
  • Install Modules and Dependency

    1. run this command while you is in virtual environment

    $ pip install -r "requirements.txt"
  • Setup Database for Development

    1. Pull image MySQL and Phpmyadmin

    $ docker pull mysql
    $ docker pull phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin

    2. Setup MySQL server instance

    $ docker run --name=keeplearning -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=keep1234 -e MYSQL_DATABASE=PFM -p 3306:3306 -d mysql

    3. Shell to MySQL Container

    $ docker exec -it PFM bash
    root@PFM:/# mysql -u root -p

    4. Bind user connection

    mysql> ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'youpassword';

    5. Show All Database name

    mysql> show databases;
    if you want to quit from shell database
    mysql> quit;

    7. Setup Phpmyadmin

    $ docker run --name myadmin -d --link PFM:db -p 8081:80 phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
    you can access Web GUI Phpmyadmin through http://localhost:8081

    8. Manual create database for test from migration version

    • Walkthrough GUI Phpmyadmin to create new database
    • In alembic.ini file change attribute 'sqlalchemy.url' to point the new one
    • Apply the migration
  • Testing Project

    1. Run All TestCase

    $ pytest tests/

    2. Run pytest with coverage

    $ coverage run -m pytest

    3. View Coverage Report

    $ coverage report

    4. Generate HTML Coverage Report

    $ coverage html
    An HTML report in the htmlcov/ directory and you can see on browser by open index.html
  • Migration Database

    1. Run command to create migration script that record changing for each version

    $ alembic revision -m "version message"

    2. Apply the Migration

    $ alembic upgrade head
  • Note for Development

    • when have to define relationship between two tables, in the class model you must to declare variable that represent to another pair relationship table like user with goal table have the relationship to be one to many relatively. in relationship variable is assigned with relationship() function in format ({related class name}, back_populates={relationship variable name})



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