tanaikech / cui4netatmo

DOS batch file and UNIX shell script and one liner curl code for retrieving data from Netatmo

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DOS batch file and UNIX shell script for Netatmo


Here, I would like to introduce Windows DOS batch file and UNIX shell script to retrieve data using Netatmo API.


  • Netatmo and account

Please retrieve client id and client secret from "CREATE YOUR APP" of https://dev.netatmo.com/.

If you are a windows user, after download, put EXE file to a directory included in PATH.


At first, please replace "#####" of "account.json" file to yours. "account.json" is as follows. Put "account.json" to the directory with bat and sh script.

    "client_id"    : "#####",
    "client_secret": "#####",
    "username"     : "#####",
    "password"     : "#####",
    "device_id"    : "#####"

client_id and client_secret can be got from Netatmo. username and password are for login to Netatmo. deviceID is MAC address of your Netatmo. It can be confirmed at setup page on Netatmo site after login. "account.json" can be used by both bat4netatmo.bat and sh4netatmo.sh.

In the case of windows dos,

> bat4netatmo.bat

In the case of unix bash,

$ sh sh4netatmo.sh

Both scripts display following results.

Indoor: Temperature 12 [degree C], Humidity 56 [%], Pressure 1000.2 [hPa]
Outdoor: Temperature 12.3 [degree C], Humidity 56 [%]


If you want to use One Liner Code, you can use following code. Please replace "#####" to yours.

windows dos

> setlocal & curl -s -d "grant_type=password&client_id='#####'&client_secret='#####'&username='#####'&password='#####'&scope=read_station" "https://api.netatmo.net/oauth2/token" | for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %a in (`jq -r ".access_token"`) do @set a="%a" | curl -s -d "access_token=%a&device_id='#####'" "https://api.netatmo.net/api/getstationsdata" > dat.txt & for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %b in (`jq -r ".body.devices[0].dashboard_data.Temperature" dat.txt`) do @set b="%b" | echo: & set /p nb=Indoor: Temperature %b [degree C],<nul & for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %b in (`jq -r ".body.devices[0].dashboard_data.Humidity" dat.txt`) do @set b="%b" | set /p nb=Humidity %b [%],<nul & for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %b in (`jq -r ".body.devices[0].dashboard_data.Pressure" dat.txt`) do @set b="%b" | set /p nb=Pressure %b [hPa]<nul & for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %b in (`jq -r ".body.devices[0].modules[0].dashboard_data.Temperature" dat.txt`) do @set b="%b" | echo: & set /p nb=Outdoor: Temperature %b [degree C],<nul & for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %b in (`jq -r ".body.devices[0].modules[0].dashboard_data.Humidity" dat.txt`) do @set b="%b" | set /p nb=Humidity %b [%]<nul & del dat.txt

Indoor: Temperature 12 [degree C],  Humidity 56 [%],  Pressure 1000.2 [hPa]
Outdoor: Temperature 12.3 [degree C],  Humidity 56 [%]

unix bash

$ curl -s -d "grant_type=password&client_id='#####'&client_secret='#####'&username='#####'&password='#####'&scope=read_station" "https://api.netatmo.net/oauth2/token"|curl -s -d "access_token=`jq -r '.access_token'`&device_id='#####'" "https://api.netatmo.net/api/getstationsdata"|jq -r '"\nIndoor: Temperature "+(.body.devices[0].dashboard_data.Temperature|tostring)+" [degree C], Humidity "+(.body.devices[0].dashboard_data.Humidity|tostring)+" [%], Pressure "+(.body.devices[0].dashboard_data.Pressure|tostring)+" [hPa]\nOutdoor: Temperature "+(.body.devices[0].modules[0].dashboard_data.Temperature|tostring)+" [degree C], Humidity "+(.body.devices[0].modules[0].dashboard_data.Humidity|tostring)+" [%]"'

Indoor: Temperature 12 [degree C], Humidity 56 [%], Pressure 1000.2 [hPa]
Outdoor: Temperature 12.3 [degree C], Humidity 56 [%]





If this article is useful for you, I'm glad.


DOS batch file and UNIX shell script and one liner curl code for retrieving data from Netatmo

License:MIT License


Language:Batchfile 62.5%Language:Shell 37.5%