Tamer Tahamoqa's repositories
A PyTorch implementation of the 'FaceNet' paper for training a facial recognition model with Triplet Loss using the glint360k dataset. A pre-trained model using Triplet Loss is available for download.
A small-scale flask server facial recognition system, using a pre-trained facenet model with real-time web camera face recognition functionality, and a pre-trained Multi-Task Cascading Convolutional Neural Network (MTCNN) for face detection and cropping.
Baseline experiments on training a Decision Tree Classifier and a Random Forest Classifier using Grid Search with Cross Validation on the CIC IDS 2018 dataset for training Machine Learning network intrusion detection classifier models.
Code repository for training a brain tumour U-Net 3D image segmentation model using the 'Task1 Brain Tumour' medical segmentation decathlon challenge dataset.
Code repository for training multi-label classification models on the CheXpert Chest X-ray dataset.
This is a repository for the fifth and final project in the AWS Cloud DevOps Engineer Udacity Nanodegree (Capstone Project). Deploys a Deep Learning API Microservice using the Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service on GPU virtual machines. The deployed containers would automatically utilize the available GPU resources.
This is a repository for the "Movie Trailer Website" udacity project which is the first project required in the Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree program.
This is a repository for the "Build a Portfolio Site" udacity project which is the second project required in the Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree program.
Detecting Twitter Bots using the Twibot-20 dataset.
This is a repository for the second project in the AWS Cloud DevOps Engineer Udacity Nanodegree (Deploy a High Availability Web App using AWS Cloudformation).
This is a repository for the first project in the AWS Cloud DevOps Engineer Udacity Nanodegree (Deploy a static website on AWS S3).
This is a repository for the third project in the AWS Cloud DevOps Engineer Udacity Nanodegree (Jenkins Pipelines on AWS).
This is a repository for the fourth project in the AWS Cloud DevOps Engineer Udacity Nanodegree (Operationalize A Machine Learning Microservice API).
This is a repository for the "Logs Analysis" udacity project which is the third project required for completing the Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree program.
This is the third and last required project in the Natural Language Processing Nanodegree Udacity program.
This is the second required project in the Natural Language Processing Nanodegree Udacity program.
This is the first required project in the Natural Language Processing Nanodegree Udacity program.
Repository for the coding exercises, assignments, and group project for the Big Data masters course at PSUT.
Repository for the first assignment for the Big Data masters course at PSUT.
Repository for the second assignment for the Big Data masters course at PSUT.
Code Repository for the assignments required for the Natural Language Processing master's course at PSUT.