tamarazuk / woocommerce-extra-product-sorting-options

Optionally rename default sorting options or add new sorting option to the WooCommerce shop pages.

Home Page:http://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce-extra-product-sorting-options/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

=== WooCommerce Extra Product Sorting Options ===
Contributors: beka.rice, skyverge
Tags: woocommerce, sorting, product sorting, orderby
Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_xclick&business=paypal@skyverge.com&item_name=Donation+for+WooCommerce+Extra+Product+Sorting
Requires at least: 3.8
Tested up to: 3.9.1
Requires WooCommerce at least: 2.1
Tested WooCommerce up to: 2.2-bleeding
Stable Tag: 1.2.0
License: GPLv3
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html

Rename default product sorting and add alphabetical, reverse alphabetical, on sale, and random sorting

== Description ==

WooCommerce Extra Product Sorting Options provides options that extend the default WooCommerce orderby options on the shop page. You can optionally set a new name for the default sorting (helpful if you've used this to create a custom sorting order), and can enable alphabetical, reverse alphabetical, on sale, and random product sorting options.

**Requires: WooCommerce 2.1+**

= Features =
Includes options to:

 - rename default product sorting (i.e., change to "Our Sorting")
 - enable alphabetical product sorting
 - enable reverse alphabetical sorting
 - enable on sale sorting (thanks to [Bryce Adams](http://bryceadams.com/order-products-sale-woocommerce/) for the idea)
 - enable randomized product sorting

= Rename Default Sorting =
You can customize your product sorting order on your shop pages - [here's a handy tutorial](http://www.sellwithwp.com/create-woocommerce-custom-product-sorting/) to do so. However, many shop admins like to then rename this from "Default Sorting" to something more descriptive, such as "Our Sorting" or "Our Selection". You can optionally enter a new name for this sorting order if desired.

= Adding Sorting Options =
When you create a customized sorting order, you lose the ability to sort products alphabetically. This plugin gives you the ability to add new sorting options to list products by title A to Z or in reverse order (Z to A).

You can add the option to sort items by sale status - there's a sorting option to show "On Sale" items first in the shop catalog.

Finally, you can add a "randomized" sorting option just for fun - any time this sorting is selected, the product order will be randomized when the shop page is viewed.

= More Details =
 - See the [product page](http://www.skyverge.com/product/woocommerce-extra-product-sorting-options/) for full details and documentation
 - View more of SkyVerge's [free WooCommerce extensions](http://profiles.wordpress.org/skyverge/)
 - View all [SkyVerge WooCommerce extensions](http://www.skyverge.com/shop/)
 - View the FAQ for some tips.

== Installation ==

1. Be sure you're running WooCommerce 2.1+ in your shop.
2. Upload the entire `woocommerce-extra-product-sorting-options` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory, or upload the .zip file with the plugin under **Plugins > Add New > Upload**
3. Activate the plugin through the **Plugins** menu in WordPress
4. Go to **WooCommerce > Settings > Products**. The new settings are added after "Default Product Sorting". If you enable more sorting options, you can set these as new defaults as well.
5. View [documentation on the product page](http://www.skyverge.com/product/woocommerce-extra-product-sorting-options/) for more help if needed.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Do I need to rename the default sorting? =
Nope. You can use this plugin to simply add alphabetical, reverse alphabetical, and randomized sorting to your shop pages. Any of the settings are entirely optional.

= How do I set my new sorting option as the default? =
When you check to enable these options, save your Product settings. You'll now be able to select your new options as a default under the "Default Product Sorting" list.

= Can I change the sorting label in the shop dropdown? =
Yep! You can use the [Say What plugin](https://wordpress.org/plugins/say-what/) to change the text - for example, you could change the label that says "Sort by name: A to Z" to "Sort alphabetically". See the screenshots for an example. 

The text domain to use is `woocommerce`.

= This is handy! Can I contribute? =
Yes you can! Join in on our [GitHub repository](https://github.com/bekarice/woocommerce-extra-product-sorting-options/) and submit a pull request :)

== Screenshots ==
1. Plugin Settings under **WooCommerce > Settings > Products**
2. New sorting options on the shop page
3. Change sorting label (in shop dropdown) with the [Say What plugin](https://wordpress.org/plugins/say-what/)

== Changelog ==
= 2014.07.30 - version 1.2.0 =
 * Feature: Added "On Sale" sorting (thanks [Bryce Adams](http://bryceadams.com/order-products-sale-woocommerce/) for the idea)
= 2014.07.29 - version 1.1.0 =
 * Feature: Added reverse alphabetical sorting option

= 2014.07.28 - version 1.0.0 =
 * Initial Release


Optionally rename default sorting options or add new sorting option to the WooCommerce shop pages.


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:PHP 66.1%Language:JavaScript 33.9%