talwai / docker-puppetmaster

A joyous Docker image for hosting a containerized Puppet Master via NGINX and Passenger.

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A resplendently refreshing Docker image for hosting a containerized, self-provisioning Puppet Master, served by NGINX and Passenger. The current version is 3.8.2.

The latest fad is to Dockerize all the things, so why not run your Puppet Master in a Docker container? Did we mention that it also runs its own Puppet agent so that you can provision it alongside everything else you're managing? Yeah. Perfect for use alongside the wondrous docker-puppet project.

Built on Phusion's Excellent Docker baseimage

Most Docker base images don't include a proper init system, system logging, or simple facilities like SSH. Phusion provides an excellent Docker baseimage container based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS which fixes all of these problems. This means that syslog works as planned, cron jobs actually run, and you can ssh into the machine with a only a dash of extra configuration.

...And Enhanced By Our Own baseimage

Phusion's baseimage provides a few ways of entering your system, namely SSH and nsenter. However, there's no easy way to add SSH keys, and nsenter requires installation of another package. Therefore, we've created our own baseimage built off of Phusion's baseimage which allows you to easily add SSH keys to your Docker instance by mounting /root/.ssh/authorized_keys.d and editing the authorized_keys file it contains or even just specifying SSH keys in an environment variable like -e SSH_KEYS="$(cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys)".

Get Started, Right Now

Let's bust this out. Pull down the Docker image:

$ sudo docker pull rfkrocktk/puppetmaster

Next, let's start up the Puppet Master in a new Docker container:

$ sudo docker run -d --name ultramaster --hostname ultramaster \
    -v /host/ultramaster-ssh-keys:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys.d
    -v /host/ultramaster-manifests:/etc/puppet/manifests \
    -v /host/ultramaster-modules:/etc/puppet/modules \

This will start up a brand new Puppet Master, binding the Puppet manifests and modules directories to local paths on your host machine. Open up /host/ultramaster-manifests/ultramaster.pp and add the following:

node "ultramaster" {
  file { 'proof':
    path    => "/proof",
    ensure  => present,
    content => "it works"

The next time the local Puppet Agent runs, (on the first and thirtieth minute of every hour by default, is customizable), it will create a file /proof with the contents it works. Let's test that.

First, obtain your Puppet Master's IP address using the following command:

$ sudo docker inspect -f "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}" ultramaster

Next, add your SSH key to the Puppet Master's authorized_keys file:

$ cat ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | sudo tee /host/ultramaster-ssh-keys/authorized_keys

Finally, SSH into your Puppet Master and check for the existence of the file:

$ ssh root@ "test -f /proof && cat /proof"

If you see "it works," well, it works.

Playing Nice with Others

Convinced? Thought so.

Now, let's add some other agents to the mix. Create a new Docker Puppet Agent:

$ sudo docker pull rfkrocktk/puppet
$ sudo docker run -d --expose 8140 --name dockerduck --hostname dockerduck \
    -e PUPPETMASTER_TCP_HOST="ultramaster" \
    --link ultramaster:ultramaster \

Next, we need to sign dockerduck's Puppet Agent certificate on ultramaster. SSH into ultramaster and sign the cert:

$ sudo docker inspect -f "{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}" ultramaster
$ ssh root@
ultramaster $ puppet cert list
ultramaster $ puppet cert sign dockerduck.docker.com

Now, dockerduck will be able to connect to ultramaster to be provisioned.


There are a lot of various configuration options exposed as environment variables as well as valuable mount points for Docker volumes to separate the Docker container from ephemeral and configuration data.


We haven't done too much in the area of highly-customized Docker volume locations, but there are a few interesting locations which you'll probably want to mount outside of your container to be able to automate moar things.

Internal Location Description
/etc/puppet The Puppet configuration directory. It's probably wiser to not mount this directory as a Docker volume, instead mounting the important subdirectories.
/etc/puppet/manifests The directory containing all Puppet manifests, if the Puppet Master is not configured in environments mode. (See PUPPETMASTER_ENVIRONMENTS_ENABLED)
/etc/puppet/modules The Puppet Master basemodulepath where modules are loaded from. Regardless of whether directory environments are enabled, modules will be used from this directory, possibly in addition to an environment's modules.
/etc/puppet/environments The Puppet Master environmentpath directory. If the Puppet Master has been configured to use directory environments, this is where you'll define your environments and their configuration. (See PUPPETMASTER_ENVIRONMENTS_ENABLED)
/var/log You know, where the logs are kept and stuff. The Puppet Agent and Master is configured to use syslog for all logging, so you'll see all Puppet logs in /var/log/syslog. The NGINX logs will be in /var/logs/nginx.
/var/lib/puppet/ssl This is where all SSL certificates will be stored as they are generated by the Puppet Master.
/root/.ssh/authorized_keys.d As provided by our resplendent base image, you can use this directory to add SSH keys to the authorized_keys file it contains, allowing you to log in to this Docker instance with your public/private keypair. (See rfkrocktk/docker-baseimage for instructions on how to use this and more details on how it works)

Puppet Master Configuration

The Puppet Master provides the following environment variables for initial configuration of the Puppet Master:

Variable Name Required Description
PUPPETMASTER_TCP_PORT nope The master server port to run the Puppet Master on. The default is port 8140.
PUPPETMASTER_DNS_NAMES nope The DNS names for the Puppet Master to listen as. This is a comma delimited list which defaults to $hostname,$hostname.$domain,puppet,$puppet.$domain. This will be internally passed to the NGINX site for the Puppet Master and to puppet cert generate when creating the Puppet Master's certificate. If you're going to be accessing your Puppet Master outside of the local machine, make sure you add all of your DNS names here.
PUPPETMASTER_ENVIRONMENTS_ENABLED nope Set this environment variable to any value to enable Puppet directory environments. By default, we use the old deprecated manifests directory which a lot of people still use, /etc/puppet/manifests. If you pass this value, you must use the Puppet environments directory /etc/puppet/environments/$ENVIRONMENT/manifests for your manifests and /etc/puppet/environments/$ENVIRONMENT/modules for your modules. The default environment is production in this mode.
PUPPETMASTER_VERBOSE nope Set this environment variable to any value to enable verbose logging by the Puppet Master.
PUPPETMASTER_DEBUG nope Set this environment variable to any value to enable debug logging by the Puppet Master.

Puppet Agent Configuration

The local Puppet Agent provides the following environment variables for configuration of the Puppet Agent:

Variable Name Required Description
PUPPET_AGENT_ENVIRONMENT nope The Puppet environment to run the Puppet Agent under. For this value to have any effect PUPPETMASTER_ENVIRONMENTS_ENABLED must be defined. If environments are enabled in the Puppet Master and no value is passed here, the default "production" environment will be used.
PUPPET_AGENT_CRON nope The CRON schedule at which to run the Puppet Agent. The Puppet Agent will always run on system startup, in addition to whatever this value is set to. The default for this value is 0,30 * * * *, which means that the Puppet Agent will run on boot and on the first and thirtieth minute of every hour. Don't worry, if a Puppet run overlaps another, no bad side-effects will happen; the CRON job checks to see if a Puppet Agent is running before running another one.
PUPPET_AGENT_VERBOSE nope Set this environment variable to any value to enable verbose logging by the Puppet Agent.
PUPPET_AGENT_DEBUG nope Set this environment variable to any value to enable debug logging by the Puppet Agent.


As mentioned before, both the local Puppet Agent and the Puppet Master are configured to log to /var/log/syslog. Additionally, the NGINX server that runs the Puppet Master logs to /var/log/nginx. The Puppet Master site logs to /var/log/nginx/puppet_access.log and /var/log/nginx/puppet_error.log.


Any time you make changes to the Puppet Master configuration files, you'll need to restart the Puppet Master in order for the changes to take effect.

You can simply restart NGINX like so:

sv restart nginx

Alternatively, you can just restart the Passenger app running the Puppet Master like so:

touch /usr/share/puppet/rack/puppetmaster/tmp/restart.txt

Security and Performance

As noted above, we use Phusion's APT repository to install (currently) NGINX version 1.6.0 compiled with the latest version of Phusion Passenger for serving the Puppet Master. This is the recommended way of doing things, as the default WEBRick server wasn't designed for high loads.

SSL has been configured on the NGINX site hosting the Puppet Mastor to only use TLSv1, TLSv1.1, and TLSv1.2. Seeing as your Puppet Agents probably all support TLSv1.2, you may wish to disable the older protocols.

SSL has also been configured to use a hardened cipher list as recommended here, which is currently:


The NGINX master process runs as root, but the worker processes run as www-data, as is the default for NGINX. It's important that NGINX runs the master process as root so it can read SSL certificates and keys and so other processes may not read SSL certificates and keys.

The Puppet Master Passenger application runs as puppet. Passenger also runs two processes, PassengerWatchdog and PassengerHelperAgent as root, and a third PassengerLoggingAgent as nobody.


We're using semantic versioning, though we're matching our own versions now to the Puppet Master version which we're internally pinning to. (if you use docker-puppetmaster version 3.8.2, you're getting a Docker image with a Puppet Master version of 3.8.2)

This is different than it was before.


A joyous Docker image for hosting a containerized Puppet Master via NGINX and Passenger.

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 84.6%Language:Puppet 11.9%Language:HTML 1.5%Language:Shell 1.2%Language:Nginx 0.4%Language:Pascal 0.3%