talsan / foolcalls

scrape conference call transcripts and metadata from fool.com, with optional aws integration (s3 + athena)

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Scrape & Structure Earnings Call Transcripts from fool.com

Before (or after) diving into the code, if you want to understand the context behind this project, see READMEQuant.md

This is what it does

Usage Patterns

Modules for converting transcript from raw html to json

scrapers.py provides functions that scrape and structure individual transcripts

Batch Processes for syncing transcripts with your local or s3 filestores:

sync_downloads.py and sync_scrapes.py are wrappers that queue a series of transcript-events, keeping local/cloud directories in sync with fool.com

  • Supports local or S3 file-store (see outputpath input parameter)
  • Supports multiprocessing (see parameter in config.py)
  • Polite, under-the-radar scraping (i.e. various throttles and perameters available in config.py)

Module Usage Examples

self-contained scraping functions that can be imported (or called via cli) to process individual events (transcripts) foolcalls/examples/module_usage.py

scrape a specific url:

import requests
from foolcalls.scrapers import scrape_transcript_urls_by_page, scrape_transcript

transcript_url = 'https://www.fool.com/earnings/call-transcripts/' \
response = requests.get(transcript_url)
transcript = scrape_transcript(response.text)
print(json.dumps(transcript, indent=2))

get a handful of transcripts from fool.com

import requests
from foolcalls.scrapers import scrape_transcript_urls_by_page, scrape_transcript

num_of_pages = 3
output = []
for page in range(0, num_of_pages): # for a given page...
    transcript_urls = scrape_transcript_urls_by_page(page) # get list of transcripts on that page
    for transcript_url in transcript_urls: # for each transcript in the list
        response = requests.get(transcript_url) # get the raw html
        transcript = scrape_transcript(response.text) # structure its contents into a dictionary
        time.sleep(5) # sleep 5 seconds between reqeusts
print(json.dumps(transcript, indent=2))

Batch Process Overview

  1. Crawl & Download w/ sync_downloader.py - keeping transcripts on fool.com in sync with your local or s3 filestores
  2. Scrape & Structure w/ sync_scrapers.py - structuring individual raw html file into a consistently structured JSON

Batch Processing Examples

invoke/queue a series of events (transcripts), keeping local/cloud directories in sync with fool.com foolcalls/sync_downloads.py

usage: sync_downloads.py [-h] [--scraper_callback] [--overwrite] outputpath

Download raw html files of earnings call transcripts from fool.com

positional arguments:
  outputpath          where to send output on local machine; if outputpath=='s3', output is 
                      uploaded to the Aws.OUPUT_BUCKET variable defined in config.py

optional arguments:
  -h, --help          show this help message and exit
  --scraper_callback  whether to invoke the transcript scraper immediately after a file is 
                      downloaded; otherwise scraping can be run as a separate batch process
  --overwrite         overwrite transcripts that have already been downloaded to specified <outputpath>; o
                      therwise it's an update (i.e. only download new transcripts)

S3 naming convention: <config.Aws.OUPUT_BUCKET>/state=downloaded/rundate=20200711/cid=*.gz
Local naming convention: ./output/state=downloaded/rundate=20200711/cid=*.gz

usage: sync_scrapes.py [-h] [--overwrite] outputpath

scrape the contents of a call from a

positional arguments:
  outputpath   where to send output on local machine; if outputpath=='s3', output is uploaded to the Aws.OUPUT_BUCKET variable defined in config.py

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --overwrite  Overwrite holdings that have already been downloaded to S3

S3 naming convention: <config.Aws.OUPUT_BUCKET>/state=structured/version=202007.1/cid=*.json
Local naming convention: ./output/state=structured/version=202007.1/cid=*.json


scrape conference call transcripts and metadata from fool.com, with optional aws integration (s3 + athena)


Language:Python 100.0%